Harald Dorn                                                                                          


SS 2014:  "Conformal Field Theory" , Blockkurs Graduiertenkolleg, Krippen (Sächs. Schweiz), 30. März - 3. April

content and literature,       cft-I.pdf,  cft-II.pdf,  cft-III.pdf.  

overview lecture 

exercises       optional:   2D-cft-I.pdf,  2D-cft-II.pdf,


Personal Data:

1974 PhD at the Humboldt University Berlin
1984 Habilitation at the Humboldt University Berlin


Address: Institut für Physik, IRIS-Haus, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
               Zum Großen Windkanal 6, D-12489 Berlin
Room: 2.23

Tel: +49-(0)30-2093-66449
E-mail: dorn "at" physik.hu-berlin.de

Quantum Field Theory and String Theory group

Current Fields of Interest:

  • Tests and applications of the AdS/CFT correspondence
  • Conformal field theories and their application to critical phenomena and string physics
  • Non-critical string theory, two-dimensional quantum gravity and its effect on renormalization group properties
  • Duality symmetries in string theory and quantum field theory
  • Aspects of non-commutativity in field theory and string theory

Recent Publications:

  1. Conformal invariants of curves via those for inscribed polygons with circular edges
  2. H. Dorn,
    Preprint: arXiv:2401.17854 , published in Journal of Physics A 57 (2024) 235201

  3. Remarks on conformal invariants for piecewise smooth curves and Wilson loops
  4. H. Dorn,
    Preprint: arXiv:2301.01513

  5. Wilson loops for triangular contours with circular edges
  6. H. Dorn,
    Preprint: arXiv:2010.14822 , published in Journal of Physics A 54 (2021) 225402

  7. On anomalous conformal Ward identities for Wilson loops on polygon-like contours with circular edges
  8. H. Dorn,
    Preprint: arXiv:2001.03391 , published in JHEP 03 (2020) 166

    For more publications click here.

    Links to related information:

    Particle Theory Group at Humboldt University
    Physics Institute at Humboldt University
    Humboldt University
    DESY Zeuthen
    Albert Einstein Institute Potsdam
    High Energy Physics Web Sites

    Particle Data Group
    THE PARTICLE ADVENTURE , An Interactive Tour of the Inner Workings of the Atom and the Tools for Discovery
    The Official String Theory Web Site
    CERN for the General Public

    Testing new files 
    Last modified: 25. 05. 2024