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8. Programmer's Reference

8.1 Introduction

Rlab2 is not at present an externally visible departure from Rlab1. However, internally, there are substantial, changes. It is not really necessary to document the changes, since no programmer's reference existed for Rlab1. However, documenting the inner-workings of Rlab2 (here-after referred to simply as Rlab) will not only benefit the author, but allow advanced users to modify and extend Rlab2.

In addition to explaining the inner architecture, some justification will also be provided along the way. I do this mostly so I will remember why I made certain choices years from now. Additionally, it may be of some benefit to users.

If you are interested only in writing new builtin, or dynamically linked functions, you can skip to Section Writing Builtin Functions

8.2 Interpreter Operation


In front of the interpreter sit the scanner and the parser. I will not spend any time discussing the implementation of these pieces, since they are constructed with fairly common tools: yacc, and flex. There are many excellent references that cover these tools.

The interpreter is a stack-based machine. The machine instructions are called ``op-codes''. Op-codes are to byte codes what RISC instructions are to CISC instructions. Each op-code is an integer. Operation information is not packed into words. Instead each op-code is an integer, and any necessary information occupies its own word. Although this is not space efficient, it is easier to work with, and usually faster, since the program does not have to spend any time dissassembling words. Instructions are aligned on double-word boundaries, further speeding operation on most architectures.

It is easiest to present the rest of the interpreter in terms of the data structures:

The overall operation of the interpreter is easily viewed with an outline of the steps needed to perform an operation:

Scanner and Parser

Stack Machine

Memory Management

A consverative garbage collector is used to do the bulk of memory managemant functions. All data structures are allocated and free'ed through the garbage-collector functions. Normally, one wouldn't have to free any objects when a garbage-collector is in use. However, users can create quite large data objects, and it helps the garbage-collector (sometimes) to free these objects when we know they aren't needed.

Class Management / Interface

8.3 Writing Builtin Functions


This section describes the process for building and linking your own function(s) into RLaB. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Compile and link your function with the rlab source to build a new executable.
  2. Compile your function as a separate shared-object, and dynamically link it with rlab using the dlopen function. Assuming your platform properly supports runtime dynamic linking.

Either method requires that you write an interface function so that your function can communicate arguments and a return value with rlab. The interface function is the same whether you compile your function with rlab to make a new executable or compile your function as a shared object. The end result of this process is the incorporation of your function into rlab as a builtin function.

This subject will be presented almost entirely with examples. Writing builting functions is not difficult

Example 1

All builtin functions are functions, which return an entity pointer, and have the same argument list. The following exampes is a trivial, but simple builtin function that multiplies its argument by 2, and returns the result. The basic steps in this (and most) function are:

  1. Perform argument checking. The interpreter does not perform any argument checking. Argument checking is entirely up to the builtin function. In this example argument checking consists of checking the number of arguments.
  2. Extracting the required data from the arguments list.
  3. Performing the desired operations.
  4. Creating and configuring the return entity.

  1: /* simplest.c: A simple builtin function example. */
  3: /*
  4:    Compile this file with (in this directory):
  5:    cc -fPIC -c simplest.c -I../../ -I../../gc
  6: */
  8: /* Necessary header files. */
  9: #include "rlab.h"
 10: #include "ent.h"
 11: #include "class.h"
 12: #include "mem.h"
 13: #include "bltin.h"
 14: #include "util.h"
 16: #include <stdio.h>
 17: #include <string.h>
 19: Ent *
 20: Simplest (int nargs, Datum args[])
 21: {
 22:   double dtmp;
 23:   Ent *e, *rent;
 24:   MDR *m;
 26:   /* Check the number of arguments. */
 27:   if (nargs != 1)
 28:   {
 29:     rerror ("simplest: only 1 argument allowed");
 30:   }
 32:   /* Get the first (only) argument. */
 33:   e = bltin_get_ent (args[0]);
 35:   /* Perform the simplest operation. */
 36:   dtmp = 2.0 * class_double (e);
 38:   /* Create a new matrix containing the result. */
 39:   m = mdr_CreateScalar (dtmp);
 41:   /* Create the return entity. */
 42:   rent = ent_Create ();
 44:   /* Set the entity's data. */
 45:   ent_data (rent) = m;
 47:   /* Set the entity's data type. */
 48:   ent_type (rent) = MATRIX_DENSE_REAL;
 50:   /* Clean up the argument if possible. */
 51:   ent_Clean (e);
 53:   return (rent);
 54: }

Now we will examine this function in more detail:

Lines 1-17

Comments and header files.

Lines 19-24

The function and automatic variables declarations. nargs is the number of arguments the function was invoked with. args is the array of Datums that contains each argument.

Lines 26-30

Checking the function argument(s). In this case we merely check that the function was called with only one argument. In some instances you might wish to do more, or less.

Line 33

The function argument is extraced from the array of Datums. bltin_get_ent takes a single Datum, and converts (reduces) it to an entity.

Line 36

class_double takes a single entity as an argument, and returns a double value. If the argument to class_double is not recognized, and error message is created, and program control returns to the interpreter.

The return value from class_double is multiplied by 2.

Line 39

The return matrix is created, and its value is set to two.

Line 42

The return entity (which will carry the return matrix) is created.

Line 45

The return entity's data pointer is set to point at the return matrix.

Line 49

The return entity's data type is set. The available types are listed at the bottom of rlab.h.

Line 51

The argument entity is cleaned (the memory is free'ed) if possible.

The new builtin can be compiled on a Linux/ELF system like:

examples> gcc -fPIC -g -c simplest.c -I../../ -I../../gc
examples> gcc -shared -o  simplest.o

And tested like:

examples> ../../rlab -rmp
> simplest = dlopen("./", "Simplest")
> i = 0;
> while (i < 10000) { x=simplest(i); i++; }
> i
> x

Example 2, Portable Gray Map File I/O

This example may be a little more meaningful than the last. The file pgm.c contains builtin functions for loading and saving Portable Gray May (PGM) files. The RSavepgm function takes a real matrix, and writes it to a file using the PGM format. RLoadpgm reads a PGM files, and returns a matrix of the pixel values. An outline of the these functions follows:

For RSavepgm:

  1. Check the number of arguments. Two or three arguments allowed.
    1. Image-Matrix. The matrix of pixel values.
    2. File-Name. The file to write.
    3. Maximum-Gray-Level.
  2. Get each of the arguments.
  3. Open the specified file for binary-write.
  4. Use the PGM API to write the matrix as a PGM-file.
  5. Clean up, and return.

There are several sections of code that warrant explanation:

Lines 53-71

Here is where the arguments are extracted from the args array. The function bltin_get_ent is used extensively, as before. However, this time, class_matrix_rea, and class_char_pointer are used in addition to class_double.

Lines 73-88

Here is a nice example of file I/O. The functions get_file_ds, and close_file_ds, are Rlab's interface to file I/O. In this instance a simple file is opened for writing. But, get_file_ds works equally well with sub-processes.

Lines 146, 147

It is not necessary to use the function ent_clean since Rlab uses a generational garbage collector. However, using ent_clean can help in some cases, so it is a good idea to use it whenever possible.

Lines 152-155

This is where the return-value entity is created, and configured. In this instance a scalar success value is all that is returned.

Lines 235-238

RLoadpgm returns a matrix. Note that the return entity configuration is similar to that in RSavepgm.

  1: /* **************************************************************
  2:  * pgm.c: Routines to load and save a matrix containing the pixels 
  3:  *        of a gray scale image to or from a Portable Gray Map 
  4:  *        file, using the libpgm library from the netpbm 
  5:  *        distribution.
  6:  *
  7:  * To compile on a Linux/ELF system:
  8:  *        gcc -g -fPIC -c pgm.c -I../../ -I../../gc
  9:  *        gcc -shared -o pgm.o -lpgm -lpbm 
 10:  * ************************************************************** */
 12: #include "rlab.h"
 13: #include "ent.h"
 14: #include "class.h"
 15: #include "mem.h"
 16: #include "bltin.h"
 17: #include "rfileio.h"
 18: #include "util.h"
 20: #include <stdio.h>
 21: #include <string.h>
 22: #include <errno.h>
 23: #include <math.h>
 25: #include "pgm.h"
 27: /* **************************************************************
 28:  * RSavepgm: Save a PGM matrix to a file.
 30:  * savepgm ( img_matrix, file_name, maximum_gray_level )
 31:  * ************************************************************** */
 33: Ent *
 34: RSavepgm (int nargs, Datum args[])
 35: {
 36:   int gl, max_gl = 0, i, j;
 37:   char *string; 
 38:   double dgl;
 39:   FILE *fn;
 40:   Ent *FN, *GL, *IMG, *rent;
 41:   MDR *img;
 42:   gray **new;
 43:   gray *row_new;
 45:   char *kluge_argv[1];        /* we need to provide the pgm lib a dummy argv */
 47:   kluge_argv[0]="savepgm"; /* initialize the dummy argv */
 49:   /* Check nargs */
 50:   if ((nargs < 2) || (nargs > 3))
 51:     rerror ("savepgm: requires 2 or 3 arguments");
 53:   /* Get the image. */
 54:   /* First the image entity. */
 55:   IMG = bltin_get_ent (args[0]);
 57:   /* Next, get the image matrix from within the entity. */
 58:   img = class_matrix_real (IMG);
 60:   /* Then the filename for output. */
 61:   FN = bltin_get_ent (args[1]);
 62:   string = class_char_pointer (FN);
 64:   /* If the third argument is present, get it for use as the maximum gray level */
 65:   gl = -1;
 66:   if (nargs == 3)
 67:   {
 68:     GL = bltin_get_ent (args[2]);
 69:     dgl = class_double (GL);
 70:     gl = dgl;
 71:   }
 73:   /* Open with file for binary write. */
 74:   if ((fn = get_file_ds (string, "wb", 0)) == 0) 
 75:   {
 76:     fprintf (stderr, "savepgm: %s: cannot open for write\n", string);
 78:     /* Clean up the arguments when we error out. */
 79:     ent_Clean (IMG);
 80:     ent_Clean (FN);
 81:     if (nargs == 3) ent_Clean (GL);
 83:     /* Return 0 to indicate failure. */
 84:     rent = ent_Create ();
 85:     ent_data (rent) = mdr_CreateScalar (0.0);
 86:     ent_type (rent) = MATRIX_DENSE_REAL;
 87:     return (rent);
 88:   }
 90:   /*
 91:    * First we need to call pgm_init to initialize the pgm library.  
 92:    * Normally this is called with argc and argv, but here we want to
 93:    * just dummy it up.
 94:    */
 95:   i=1;
 96:   pgm_init (&i, kluge_argv); 
 98:   /* Allocate a PGM image array of the correct size */
 99:   new = pgm_allocarray (MNC (img), MNR (img));
101:   /*
102:    * Now for each row of the image we want to store the pixel values
103:    * for each column.  Of course PGM differs from RLaB in the choice
104:    * of column-major and row-major order.
105:    */
107:   for (j = 0; j < MNR (img);j++)
108:   {
109:     row_new = *(new+j);
110:     for (i = 0; i < MNC (img); i++)
111:     {
112:       *(row_new+i) = (gray) MdrV0 (img, i*MNR(img)+j);
114:       /* Keep track of the maximum pixel value in the image */
115:       if(*(row_new+i) > max_gl)
116:       {
117:    max_gl=*(row_new+i);
118:       }
119:     }
120:   } 
122:   /*
123:    * If no maximum gray level was given as an argument, use the maximum
124:    * pixel value detected above. If the detected maximum pixel value is
125:    * greater than the one specified in argument 3, give a warning, and use
126:    * the maximum detected value.
127:    */
129:   if(gl == -1)
130:   {
131:     gl = max_gl;
132:   }
133:   else if(max_gl > gl)
134:   {
135:     fprintf (stderr,
136:         "savepgm: image contains pixel values greater than specified maximum");
137:     fprintf (stderr, "\nusing maximum pixel value instead\n");
138:     gl = max_gl;
139:   }
141:   /* Now the array new contains the PGM image, so write it out */
142:   pgm_writepgm (fn, new, MNC (img), MNR (img),(gray)gl, 0);
143:   pgm_freearray (new, MNR (img));
145:   /* Clean up before returning. */
146:   ent_Clean (FN);
147:   ent_Clean (IMG);
148:   if (nargs == 3) ent_Clean (GL);
149:   close_file_ds (string);
151:   /* Everything OK, return 1 to indicate success. */
152:   rent = ent_Create ();
153:   ent_data (rent) = mdr_CreateScalar (1.0);
154:   ent_type (rent) = MATRIX_DENSE_REAL;
155:   return (rent);
156: }
158: /* **************************************************************
159:  * RLavepgm: Load a PGM into a matrix.
161:  * loadpgm ( file_name )
162:  * ************************************************************** */
164: Ent *
165: RLoadpgm (int nargs, Datum args[])
166: {
167:   int i, j, rows, cols;
168:   char *string;
169:   FILE *fn;
170:   Ent *FN, *rent;
171:   MDR *img;
172:   gray **new;
173:   gray *row_new;
174:   gray gl;
175:   char *kluge_argv[1];     /* we need to provide the pgm lib a dummy argv */
177:   kluge_argv[0]="savepgm"; /* initialize the dummy argv */
179:   /* Check nargs */
180:   if (nargs != 1)
181:     rerror ("loadpgm: requires 1 argument");
183:   /* The the filename for input. */
184:   FN = bltin_get_ent (args[0]);
185:   string = class_char_pointer (FN);
187:   /* Open with file for binary read. */
188:   if ((fn = get_file_ds (string, "rb", 0)) == 0) 
189:   {
190:     fprintf (stderr, "loadpgm: %s: cannot open for write\n", string);
192:     /* Clean up the arguments when we error out. */
193:     ent_Clean (FN);
195:     /* Return 0 to indicate failure. */
196:     rent = ent_Create ();
197:     ent_data (rent) = mdr_CreateScalar (0.0);
198:     ent_type (rent) = MATRIX_DENSE_REAL;
199:     return (rent);
200:   } 
202:   /*
203:    * First we need to call pgm_init to initialize the pgm library.  
204:    * Normally this is called with argc and argv, but here we want to
205:    * just dummy it up.
206:    */
208:   i = 1;
209:   pgm_init (&i, kluge_argv); 
211:   /* Allocate a PGM image array of the correct size */
212:   new = pgm_readpgm (fn, &cols, &rows, &gl);
213:   img = mdr_Create (rows, cols);
215:   /*
216:    * Now for each row of the image we want to store the pixel values
217:    * for each column.  Of course PGM differs from RLaB in the choice
218:    * of column-major and row-major order.
219:    */
220:   for (j = 0; j < rows;j++)
221:   {
222:     row_new = *(new+j);
223:     for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
224:     {
225:        MdrV0 (img, i*MNR(img)+j) = *(row_new+i);
226:     }
227:   }  
229:   /* Clean up before returning. */
230:   pgm_freearray(new, MNR (img));
231:   ent_Clean (FN);
232:   close_file_ds (string);
234:   /* Everything OK, return the image. */
235:   rent = ent_Create ();
236:   ent_data (rent) = img;
237:   ent_type (rent) = MATRIX_DENSE_REAL;
238:   return (rent);
239: }

A simple example showing one possible usage of these two new builtin functions is provided. Both savepgm, and loadpgm are created via the dlopen function. The Linux logo is read in, and some white-noise is added to the picture. The new graphic is written to a file, which can then be viewed with any PGM compatible viewer (xv for example).

examples> ../../rlab -mpr
> savepgm = dlopen("./","RSavepgm")
> loadpgm = dlopen("./","RLoadpgm")
> logo = loadpgm("Logo.pgm");
> show(logo);
        nr                  :   303
        nc                  :   257
        n                   :   77871
        class               :   num
        type                :   real
        storage             :   dense
> max(max(logo))
> min(min(logo))
> rand("uniform", 0,50);
> logo = logo + rand(size(logo));
> savepgm(logo,"Logo_noisy.pgm");
> close("Logo_noisy.pgm");

Dynamic Linking

Not Finished Yet !

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