Klaus Scharnhorst - Publications
H.J. Kaiser, K. Scharnhorst, E. Wieczorek: Euclidean Yang-Mills
theory in constant background fields and unstable modes. Journal of Physics G:
Nuclear and Particle Physics 16:2(1990)161-174
(DOI: 10.1088/0954-3899/16/2/005).
[INSPIRE record]
Within Euclidean SU(2) Yang-Mills theory considered in certain non-Abelian background
fields the explicit construction of gluon and ghost Green functions is presented,
paying special attention to unstable modes. The propagators obtained turn out to be
purely real. The propagator expressions given for two different background fields are
related to each other in the coincidence limit of these background configurations.
On the basis of the derived results the imaginary part of the Euclidean Yang-Mills
theory effective action is discussed, showing that no higher-loop corrections beyond
the well known 1-loop result appear. Also arguments are given that the 1-loop imaginary
part should not be trusted.
The article is cited in:
C. Eberlein, H.J. Kaiser, E. Wieczorek: Radiative corrections
to non-abelian gauge theory in homogeneous self-dual backgrounds.
In: H.J. Kaiser (Ed.):
Proceedings of the XXIII. International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the
Theory of Elementary Particles, Ahrenshoop, October 9-13, 1989.
IfH Berlin-Zeuthen report PHE 89-13.
Institut für Hochenergiephysik (IfH), Berlin-Zeuthen, 1988, pp. 126-137.
Annalen der Physik (Leipzig), 7. Series, 48(1991)343-352
(DOI: 10.1002/andp.19915030506).
K.J. Biebl: Unstable modes in a SU(2) homogeneous magnetic field.
IfH Berlin-Zeuthen report PHE 90-23, 34 pp.
( https://lib-extopc.kek.jp/preprints/PDF/1991/9105/9105484.pdf ).
H.J. Kaiser: Two background field configurations allowing exact
propagator solutions for nonabelian gauge theories.
In: G. Weigt (Ed.):
Proceedings of the XXIV. International Symposium Ahrenshoop on
the Theory of Elementary Particles, Gosen, Germany, October 8-12, 1990.
IfH Zeuthen 1991, pp. 126-132.
V.C. Zhukovskii: Stabilization of a color ferromagnetic state in
QCD at nonzero temperature. University of Wisconsin Madison
report MAD-TH-91-5, 16 pp..
H.J. Kaiser: Propagators in magnetic string backgrounds
calculated by shifting the angular operators.
In: H.J. Kaiser (Ed.):
Proceedings of the XXV. International Symposium Ahrenshoop
on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Gosen, Germany, September 23-26, 1991.
IfH Zeuthen 1991, pp. 351-357.
U. Müller: Berechnung von Strahlungskorrekturen für eine
nichtabelsche Feldtheorie in einem selbstdualen homogenen Hintergrundfeld
[Calculation of radiative corrections for a non-abelian field theory in
a self-dual homogeneous background field]. Diploma Thesis,
Humboldt University Berlin 1992, 63 pp.. [in German]
E. Wieczorek: Nonabelian gauge fields in the background of
magnetic strings.
In: B. Dörfel, E. Wieczorek (Eds.):
Proceedings of the XXVI. International Symposium Ahrenshoop
on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Wendisch-Rietz, September 9-13, 1992.
DESY-IfH Zeuthen report
DESY 93-013, pp. 27-36.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on
`Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions',
University of Leipzig, September 14-20, 1992. University of Leipzig,
NTZ 1992 ( https://inspirehep.net/literature/345414 ), pp. 80-89.
U. Müller, E. Wieczorek: Radiative corrections for a non-abelian gauge
theory in a homogeneous self-dual background.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on
`Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions',
University of Leipzig, September 14-20, 1992. University of Leipzig,
NTZ, 1992 ( https://inspirehep.net/literature/345414 ), pp. 101-112.
A.O. Starinets, A.S. Vshivtsev, V.C. Zhukovskii: Color
ferromagnetic state in SU(2) gauge theory at finite temperature.
Physics Letters B 322(1994)403-412
(DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(94)91172-X).
M. Reuter, C. Wetterich: Indications for gluon condensation from
nonperturbative flow equations. University of Heidelberg report
HD-THEP-94-39, DESY Hamburg report DESY 95-001,
arXiv:hep-th/9411227, 33 pp..
H.J. Kaiser: Some considerations on field theory in a
modified homogeneous magnetic background.
In: D. Lüst, G. Weigt (Eds.):
Proceedings of the XXVIII. International
Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles,
Wendisch-Rietz, August 30 - September 4, 1994.
DESY-IfH Zeuthen report DESY 95-027, pp. 305-310.
D. Persson: Asymptotic freedom from thermal and vacuum magnetization.
Annals of Physics (New York) 252(1996)33-71
(DOI: 10.1006/aphy.1996.0124)
M. Reuter, C. Wetterich: Gluon condensation in nonperturbative flow
Physical Review D 56(1997)7893-7916
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.56.7893)
H. Gies: Probing the quantum vacuum - Perturbative effective
action approach in QED and QCD and its applications;
Doctoral Thesis, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen,
Tübingen, 1999, 264 pp..
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Document last modified: June 8, 2023
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