Klaus Scharnhorst - Publications
K. Scharnhorst: On propagation of light in the vacuum between plates.
Physics Letters B 236:3(1990)354-359 (DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(90)90997-K),
Corrigendum: ibid. B 787(2018)204, 1 p. (DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.12.002).
[INSPIRE record]
QED is considered in the presence of two parallel plates
(Casimir effect type configuration) imposing boundary conditions
on the photon vacuum fluctuations. Two-loop corrections arising
from the boundary conditions for the photon vacuum fluctuations
to the QED effective action are calculated in a physically reasonable
approximation. From this effective action we find that for light
propagating perpendicular to the plates in the vacuum between them,
their impact phrased in the simplest terms consists in causing a
change in the velocity of light.
The article is cited in:
G. Barton: Faster-than-c light between parallel mirrors. The
Scharnhorst effect rederived.
Physics Letters B 237(1990)559-562
(DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(90)91224-Y).
S.M. Barnett: Quantum electrodynamics - Photons faster than light?.
Nature 344, No. 6264 (1990)289
(DOI: 10.1038/344289a0). Chinese translation:
S.M. Barnett:
[Chāo guāngsù de guāngzǐ shìfǒu cúnzài?].
[Guówài jīguāng = Foreign Laser] 28:9(1991)28-29
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CJFD9093&filename=JGDJ199109011 ).
P.W. Milonni, K. Svozil: Impossibility of measuring faster-than-c
signaling by the Scharnhorst effect.
Physics Letters B 248(1990)437-438
(DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(90)90317-Y).
- S. Ben-Menahem: Causality between conducting plates.
Physics Letters B 250(1990)133-138
(DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(90)91167-A).
A. Gould:
Is faster-than-c light possible?.
Institute for Advanced Study Princeton report IASSNS-AST-90-25, 3 pp.
( https://inspirehep.net/literature/28542 ).
G. Barton: How close to ideal is the photon gas? Corrections to
Planck's laws at kT << me.
Annals of Physics (New York) 205(1991)49-69
(DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(91)90237-3).
E.A. Hinds, V. Sandoghdar: Cavity QED level shifts of simple atoms.
Physical Review A 43(1991)398-403
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.43.398).
黎奇凡 [Lí qífán (Qifan Li)],
李新洲 [Li xīnzhōu (Xinzhou Li)]:
[Scharnhorst chāo guāngsù xiàoyìng de cèliáng wèntí].
自然杂志 [Zìrán zázhì = Chinese Journal of Nature] 14(1991)238-239
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CJFD9093&filename=ZRZZ199103029 ). [in Chinese]
English translation: Quifan Li, Xinzhou Li:
Measurement problems of the superluminal effect of Scharnhorst.
PDF / Postscript.
B.W. Petley: The fundamental constants of physics and spectroscopy.
Physica Scripta T40(1992)5-14
(DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/1992/T40/001). The article is part of:
S. Łęgowski (Ed.):
Proceedings of the 23rd EGAS Conference of the European Group for Atomic
Spectroscopy, Torun, Poland, July 9-12, 1991.
Physica Scripta T40(1992)3-78.
B.W. Petley: The role of the fundamental constants of physics
in metrology.
Metrologia 29(1992)95-112
(DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/29/2/002).
P.W. Milonni, M.L. Shih: Casimir forces.
Contemporary Physics 33(1992)313-322
(DOI: 10.1080/00107519208223981).
G. Barton, K. Scharnhorst: QED between parallel mirrors: Light
signals faster than c, or amplified by the vacuum.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 26(1993)2037-2046
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/26/8/024). An abstract of the article is also printed in:
D. Robaschik (Ed.): Proceedings of the Second Workshop on "Quantum Field Theory
under the Influence of External Conditions" held at University of Leipzig,
September 14 to September 20, 1992. University of Leipzig,
Naturwissenschaftlich-Theoretisches Zentrum, Leipzig, 1992, p. 113.
= paper [19]
R.D. Daniels, G.M. Shore: `Faster than light' photons
and charged black holes.
Nuclear Physics B 425(1994)634-650
(DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(94)90291-7)
K. Scharnhorst: A functional integral equation for the
complete effective action in quantum field theory.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 36(1997)281-343
(DOI: 10.1007/BF02435737)
[University of Leipzig report NTZ 16/1993, arXiv:hep-th/9312137;
published version abbreviated].
= paper [20]
F. Lobo-Fernández: Causality in QED with boundaries.
Physics Letters B 305(1993)173-176
(DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(93)91124-6).
K. Svozil:
Randomness and Undecidability in Physics.
World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1993 (DOI: 10.1142/1524).
J.I. Latorre, P. Pascual, R. Tarrach: Speed of light
in non-trivial vacua.
Nuclear Physics B 437(1995)60-82
(DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(94)00490-6)
G.M. Shore: `Faster than light' photons in gravitational fields
- Causality, anomalies and horizons.
Nuclear Physics B 460(1996)379-394
(DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(95)00646-X)
R.D. Daniels, G.M. Shore: `Faster than light' photons and
rotating black holes.
Physics Letters B 367(1996)75-83
(DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(95)01468-3)
G.L. Bennett, R.L. Forward, R.H. Frisbee: Report on the
NASA/JPL workshop on advanced quantum/relativity theory propulsion.
31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit,
San Diego, CA, July 10-12, 1995.
American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics Report AIAA 95-2599, 20 pp.
T. Emig:
Deutung der Tunnelzeiten bei evaneszenten elektromagnetischen
Moden im Rahmen der klassischen Elektrodynamik [Interpretation of
tunneling times for evanescent electromagnetic modes within the framework
of classical electrodynamics]. Diploma Thesis, Universität Köln, Cologne,
1995, 101 pp.
( https://inspirehep.net/record/393697 ). [in German]
R.L. Forward: Mass modification experiment study (an
Air Force report).
Journal of Scientific Exploration 10(1996)325-354
( https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/10/jse_10_3_forward.pdf ).
L. Spruch: Long-range (Casimir) interactions.
Science 272, No. 5267(1996)1452-1455
(DOI: 10.1126/science.272.5267.1452).
H.E. Puthoff: SETI, the velocity-of-light limitation, and
the Alcubierre warp drive - An integrating overview.
Physics Essays 9(1996)156-158
(DOI: 10.4006/1.3029218).
G. Muñoz: Effective Lagrangians and nonlinear electromagnetism.
American Journal of Physics 64(1996)1285-1291
(DOI: 10.1119/1.18372).
G. Diener: Superluminal group velocities and information transfer.
Physics Letters A 223(1996)327-331
(DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(96)00767-0).
R.Y. Chiao:
Population inversion and superluminality.
In: R.Y. Chiao (Ed.): Amazing Light - A Volume Dedicated
Charles Hard Townes on His 80th Birthday.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996, pp. 191-210
(DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-2378-8_10).
D.R. Daniels:
Quantum field theory near black holes.
Ph.D. Thesis, Swansea University, Swansea, 1996.
X.W. Kong, F. Ravndal: What is the regularized Casimir energy density?
arXiv:quant-ph/9701022, 6 pp..
X.W. Kong, F. Ravndal: Radiative corrections to the Casimir energy.
Physical Review Letters 79(1997)545-548
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.545)
I. Brevik, V.V. Nesterenko, I.G. Prirozhenko:
Direct mode summation for the Casimir energy of a solid ball.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31(1998)8661-8668
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/31/43/009)
- M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort, J. Rafelski:
Magnetic permeability in constrained fermionic vacuum.
Physics Letters B 434(1998)388-395
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00683-2)
B. Haisch, A. Rueda, H.E. Puthoff: Physics of the zero-point field:
Implications for inertia, gravitation and mass.
Speculations in Science and Technology 20(1997)99-114
(DOI: 10.1023/A:1018516704228).
H.D. Froning, Jr., R.L. Roach: Inertia reduction - and possibly impulsion -
by conditioning electromagnetic fields.
Paper presented at the 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and
Exhibit, July 6-9, 1997, Seattle, WA, USA.
American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics Report AIAA 97-3170, 11 pp.
(DOI: 10.2514/6.1997-3170). Reprinted in:
H.D. Froning Jr.: Faster than light: Warp drive and quantum vacuum power.
Lost Science Series. Adventures Limited Press, Kempton, IL, 2019, pp. 358-369.
G.L. Bennett, R.H. Frisbee:
Summary of the NASA/JPL workshop on advanced quantum/relativity theory propulsion.
In: M.S. El-Genk (Ed.):
Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF-97), January 26-30, 1997,
Albuquerque, NM. Pt. 1. 1st Conference on Future Science and Earth Science Missions,
1st Conference on Synergistic Power and Propulsion Systems Technology,
1st Conference on Applications of Thermophysics in Microgravity,
2nd Conference on Commercial Development of Space,
2nd Conference on Next Generation Launch Systems,
14th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion.
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 387. American Institute of Physics,
Woodbury, NY, 1997, pp. 1515-1520
(DOI: 10.1063/1.51972).
R.G. Cai: Propagation of vacuum polarized photons in topological
black hole spacetimes.
Nuclear Physics B 524(1998)639-657
(DOI: 10.1016/S0550-3213(98)00274-0)
X.W. Kong, F. Ravndal: Quantum corrections to the QED vacuum energy.
Nuclear Physics B 526(1998)627-656
(DOI: 10.1016/S0550-3213(98)00364-2)
H. Gies, W. Dittrich: Light propagation in non-trivial QED vacua.
Physics Letters B 431(1998)420-429
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00572-3)
W. Dittrich, H. Gies: Light propagation in nontrivial QED vacua.
Physical Review D 58(1998)025004, 13 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.58.025004)
A.D. Dolgov, I.D. Novikov: Superluminal propagation of light
in gravitational field and non-causal signals.
Physics Letters B 442(1998)82-89
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)01223-4)
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, M.R. Negrão, A. Tort:
Bosonic Casimir effect in external magnetic field.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32(1999)4457-4462
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/32/24/310)
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort:
Fermionic Casimir effect in an external magnetic field.
University of Rio de Janeiro report IF-UFRJ-98-67,
arXiv:hep-th/9809215, 7 pp..
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, M.R. Negrão, A. Tort:
Magnetic permeability of constrained scalar QED vacuum.
Physics Letters B 483(2000)144-150
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00547-5)
K. Scharnhorst: The velocities of light in modified QED vacua.
Annalen der Physik (Leipzig), 8. Series, 7(1998)700-709
(DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1521-3889(199812)7:7/8<700::AID-ANDP700>3.0.CO;2-K)
The article is part of: P. Mittelstaedt, G. Nimtz (Guest Eds.):
Proceedings of the Workshop Superluminal(?) Velocities: Tunneling Time,
Barrier Penetration, Non-Trivial Vacua, Philosophy of Physics,
June 1998, Cologne.
Annalen der Physik (Leipzig), 8. Series, 7:7-8(1998)593-782.
= paper [26]
K.A. Milton: Julian Schwinger and the Casimir effect -
The reality of zero-point energy. In: M. Bordag (Ed.):
The Casimir Effect 50 Years Later,
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the
Influence of External Conditions, Leipzig, Germany, September 14-18, 1998.
World Scientific, Singapore, 1999 (DOI: 10.1142/9789814527576), pp. 20-36
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort:
QED vacuum between a conducting and a permeable plate.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32(1999)4463-4474
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/32/24/311)
C.A. Pickover:
Time: A Traveler's guide.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998
( https://global.oup.com/academic/product/time-a-travelers-guide-9780195120424 ).
C. Lämmerzahl: Quantum tests of space-time structures.
In: P. G. Bergmann, V. de Sabbata,
G. T. Gillies, P. I. Pronin, A. Zichichi (Eds.):
Spin in Gravity - Is it Possible to Give an Experimental Basis
to Torsion? International School of Cosmology and Gravitation, XV. Course,
13-20 May, 1997, Erice, Italy.
World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1998 (DOI: 10.1142/3781), pp. 91-117.
H.D. Froning, Jr., T.W. Barrett:
Space coupling by specially conditioned electromagnetic fields.
In: M.S. El-Genk (Ed.):
Space Technology and Applications Forum - 1998. 1st Conference on Global Virtual Presence,
1st Conference on Orbital Transfer Vehicles, 2nd Conference on Applications
of Thermophysics in Microgravity, 3rd Conference on Commercial Development
of Space, 3rd Conference on Next Generation Launch Systems, 15th Symposium
on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM January 1998.
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 420. American Institute
of Physics, Woodbury, NY, 1998, pp. 1449-1454
(DOI: 10.1063/1.54772).
F.C. Santos, A. Tenório, A.C. Tort: Zeta function method and
repulsive Casimir forces for an unusual pair of plates at finite
Physical Review D 60(1999)105022, 9 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.60.105022)
W. Dittrich, H. Gies: Applications of the light cone condition
for various perturbed vacua. In: M. Bordag (Ed.):
The Casimir Effect 50 Years Later,
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the
Influence of External Conditions, Leipzig, Germany, September 14-18, 1998.
World Scientific, Singapore, 1999 (DOI: 10.1142/9789814527576), pp. 247-259
H. Gies: Light cone condition for a thermalized QED vacuum.
Physical Review D 60(1999)105033, 9 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.60.105033)
H. Gies: QED effective action at finite temperature: Two-loop
Physical Review D 61(2000)085021, 18 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.61.085021)
C.D. Fosco, N.F. Svaiter: Finite size effects in the anisotropic lambda
(φ14 + φ24)d /4!
model. CBPF Rio de Janeiro report CBPF-NF-052-99,
33 pp..
M. Novello, V.A. De Lorenci, J.M. Salim, R. Klippert:
Geometrical aspects of light propagation in nonlinear electrodynamics.
Physical Review D 61(2000)045001, 10 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.61.045001)
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort:
The speed of light in confined QED vacuum: Faster or slower than c?.
Physics Letters B 446(1999)170-174
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)01536-6).
S.K. Lamoreaux: Resource letter CF-1: Casimir force.
American Journal of Physics 67(1999)850-861
(DOI: 10.1119/1.19138).
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort:
The speed of light between an unusual pair of plates.
In: M. Bordag (Ed.):
The Casimir Effect 50 Years Later,
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the
Influence of External Conditions, Leipzig, Germany, September 14-18, 1998.
World Scientific, Singapore, 1999 (DOI: 10.1142/9789814527576), pp. 260-264.
H.D. Froning, Jr.: Experiments to explore space coupling
by specially conditioned electromagnetic fields.
NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Workshop Proceedings,
Proceedings of a Conference Held and Sponsored by NASA Lewis
Research Center, Cleveland, OH, August 12-14, 1997.
NASA, Lewis Research Center, NASA Technical Report
NASA/CP-1999-208694 ( https://archive.org/details/nasa_techdoc_19990023204 ), pp. 207-215.
H.D. Froning, Jr.:
Fast space travel by vacuum zero-point field perturbations.
In: M.S. El-Genk (Ed.):
Space Technology and Applications Forum - 1999. Conference on
International Space Station Utilization, Conference on Global
Virtual Presence, Conference on Applications of Thermophysics
in Microgravity and Breakthrough Propulsion Physics, Conference
on Next Generation Launch Systems, 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear
Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM, February 1999.
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 458. American Institute
of Physics, Woodbury, NY, 1999, pp. 920-925
(DOI: 10.1063/1.57491).
P.J. Nahin:
Time Machines. Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction.
Second ed.. AIP Press, Springer, New York, 1999
( https://link.springer.com/book/9780387985718 ).
H. Gies: Probing the quantum vacuum - Perturbative effective
action approach in QED and QCD and its applications;
Doctoral Thesis, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen,
Tübingen, 1999, 264 pp..
M.M.R. Negrão:
Vácuo confinado da eletrodinâmica quântica em campo magnético externo
[The confined vacuum of quantum electrodynamics in an external magnetic field].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
1999, 100 pp.
( http://objdig.ufrj.br/12/teses/357162.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
B.A. Bassett, S. Liberati, C. Molina-París, M. Visser:
Geometrodynamics of variable-speed-of-light cosmologies.
Physical Review D 62(2000)103518, 18 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.62.103518)
S. Liberati, B.A. Bassett, C. Molina-París, M. Visser:
χVariable-speed-of-light cosmologies.
In: V. de Alfaro, J.E. Nelson, M. Cadoni, M. Cavaglià,
A. Filippov (Eds.): Constrained Dynamics and
Quantum Gravity 1999, Proceedings of the Third Meeting on Constrained
Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, QG99, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy,
13-17 September 1999.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 88(2000)259-262
(DOI: 10.1016/S0920-5632(00)00780-5)
V.A. De Lorenci, R. Klippert, M. Novello, J.M. Salim:
Light propagation in non-linear electrodynamics.
Physics Letters B 482(2000)134-140
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00522-0)
S. Liberati: Vacuum effects in gravitational fields: Theory and
detectability. Doctoral Thesis, International School for Advanced
Studies (SISSA), Trieste, 2000,
237 pp..
S. Liberati, S. Sonego, M. Visser: Scharnhorst effect at oblique
Physical Review D 63(2001)085003, 10 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.63.085003)
D.A.R. Dalvit, F.D. Mazzitelli, C. Molina-París: One-loop
graviton corrections to Maxwell's equations.
Physical Review D 63(2001)084023, 12 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.63.084023)
M.D. Roberts: Vacuum energy.
Poster contribution to the Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Modern Physics
(Lüderitz 2000), Lüderitz, Namibia, 13-17 Nov 2000,
153 pp..
D T. Alves, C. Farina, A.C. Tort:
Spontaneous emission between two parallel plates, one or both
infinitely permeable.
Physical Review A 61(2000)034102, 4 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.61.034102).
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort:
O efeito Casimir [The Casimir effect].
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 22(2000)122-132
( http://www.sbfisica.org.br/rbef/pdf/v22_122.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
A. Hansson:
Virtual space tourism.
Architectural Design 70:2(= Profile 144: Space Architecture,
Guest Editor R. Armstrong) (2000)26-29.
R. Klippert, M. Novello, J.M. Salim:
Nonlinear light propagation: geometrical aspects.
XXI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos
[Proceedings of 21th Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields],
São Lourenço, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 23 - 27 Oct 2000
( http://www.sbf1.sbfisica.org.br/eventos/enfpc/xxi/procs/res28 ).
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, M.S. Ribeiro, A.C. Tort:
Permissidade elétrica do vácuo da EDQ
escalar sob condições de contorno
[Electric permittivity of the vacuum in scalar quantum electrodynamics
with boundary conditions].
XXI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos
[Proceedings of 21th Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields],
São Lourenço, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 23 - 27 Oct 2000
( http://www.sbf1.sbfisica.org.br/eventos/enfpc/xxi/procs/res62 ).
[in Portuguese]
H.D. Froning, Jr., R.L. Roach: Preliminary simulations of vehicle
interactions with the zero-point vacuum by fluid-dynamic approximations.
Paper presented at the 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and
Exhibit, July 17-19, 2000, Huntsville, AL, USA.
American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics Report AIAA 2000-3478, 10 pp.
(DOI: 10.2514/6.2000-3478). Reprinted in:
H.D. Froning Jr.: Faster than light: Warp drive and quantum vacuum power.
Lost Science Series. Adventures Limited Press, Kempton, IL, 2019, pp. 382-392.
W. Dittrich, H. Gies: Probing the quantum vacuum. Perturbative
effective action approach in quantum electrodynamics and its
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 166.
Springer, Berlin, 2000 (DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45585-X).
J. Mehra, K.A. Milton:
Climbing the Mountain - The Scientific
Biography of Julian Schwinger. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000
(DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198527459.001.0001).
F.C. Santos:
Três impressões sobre o vácuo quântico
[Three impressions about the quantum vacuum].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
2000, 108 pp.
( http://objdig.ufrj.br/12/teses/490879.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
C. Barceló, S. Liberati, M. Visser: Analogue gravity from field
theory normal modes?.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 18(2001)3595-3610
(DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/18/17/313)
G.J. Maclay, H. Fearn, P.W. Milonni: Of some theoretical significance:
Implications of Casimir effects.
European Journal of Physics 22(2001)463-469
(DOI: 10.1088/0143-0807/22/4/323)
R.G. Cai: Superluminal noncommutative photons.
Physics Letters B 517(2001)457-461
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(01)00995-9)
E.J. Ferrer, V. de la Incera, A. Romeo: Photon propagation in
space-time with a compactified spatial dimension.
Physics Letters B 515(2001)341-341
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(01)00883-8)
S. Liberati, S. Sonego, M. Visser: Faster-than-c signals, special
relativity, and causality.
Annals of Physics (New York) 298(2002)167-185
(DOI: 10.1006/aphy.2002.6233)
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort:
The influence of an external magnetic field on the fermionic
Casimir effect.
Brazilian Journal of Physics 31(2001)84-88
(DOI: 10.1590/S0103-97332001000100016).
R.W. Ziolkowski: Superluminal transmission of information through an
electromagnetic metamaterial.
Physical Review E 63(2001)046606, 13 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.63.046604).
E.J. Ferrer, V. de la Incera, A. Romeo:
Spontaneous CPT violation in confined QED.
In: V. Elias, D.G.C. McKeon, V.A. Miranski (Eds.):
Theoretical High Energy Physics - MRST 2001, a Tribute to Roger Migneron,
London, Ontario, Canada, 15-18 May 2001.
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 601. American Institute of Physics,
Melville, NY, 2001, pp. 235-241
(DOI: 10.1063/1.1435491).
K.A. Milton:
The Casimir Effect - Physical Manifestations
of Zero-Point Energy. World Scientific, Singapore, 2001
(DOI: 10.1142/4505).
B.E. Sernelius:
Surface Modes in Physics.
Wiley-VCH, Berlin 2001
(DOI: 10.1002/3527603166).
G.M. Shore: Faster than light photons in gravitational fields II -
dispersion and vacuum polarisation.
Nuclear Physics B 633(2002)271-294
(DOI: 10.1016/S0550-3213(02)00240-7)
M. Visser, C. Barceló, S. Liberati: Bi-refringence versus bi-metricity.
In: J.M. Salim, S.E. Perez Bergliaffa, L.A. Oliveira, V.A. De Lorenci (Eds.):
Inquiring the Universe: Essays to Celebrate Professor Mario Novello Jubilee.
Frontier Group, Santa Barbara, 2003, pp. 397-429.
Yu.N. Obukhov, G.F. Rubilar: Fresnel analysis of wave propagation
in nonlinear electrodynamics.
Physical Review D 66(2002)024042, 11 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.66.024042)
[arXiv:gr-qc/0204028 ].
M.I. Caicedo, N.F. Svaiter: Effective Lagrangians for scalar
fields and finite size effects in field theory.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 45(2004)179-196
(DOI: 10.1063/1.1629138)
K. Svozil: On the possibility of supercavitation in the quantum
4 pp..
C. Fonseca-Barbatti, M. Novello, J.M. Salim, R.C. Arcuri:
Creation of a wormhole due to nonlinear electrodynamics.
Modern Physics Letters A 17(2002)1305-1314
(DOI: 10.1142/S0217732302007235).
H.D. Froning, Jr., R.L. Roach: Preliminary simulations of vehicle
interactions with the quantum vacuum by fluid-dynamic approximations.
Paper presented at the 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and
Exhibit, July 7-10, 2002, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics Report AIAA 2002-3925, 11 pp.
(DOI: 10.2514/6.2002-3925).
M. Visser:
Coda. In: M. Novello, M. Visser,
G. Volovik (Eds.): Artificial Black Holes.
World Scientific, Singapore 2002, pp. 365-382
(DOI: 10.1142/9789812778178_0014).
J. Kåhre:
The Mathematical Theory of Information.
The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science,
Vol. 684. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002
(DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-0975-2).
C. Schiller:
Motion Inside Matter – Pleasure, Technology and Stars.
The Adventure of Physics, Volume V. Munich, 23.-30. ed., 2009-2018
( http://www.motionmountain.net/quantum.html ). Earlier one-volume
editions: Motion Mountain. 2.-22. ed., 2002-2009 (varying subtitle).
D.T. Alves:
Influência de paredes magneticamente permeáveis em alguns efeitos do vácuo quântico
[The influence of magnetically permeable walls on some quantum vacuum effects].
Doctoral Thesis, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro,
2002, 160 pp. ( http://cbpfindex.cbpf.br/publication_pdfs/2002%20Alves,%20D.2014_05_28_16_04_20.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
N. Bilić, H. Nikolić: Superluminal pions in a hadronic fluid.
Physical Review D 68(2003)085008, 7 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.68.085008)
G.M. Shore:
Causality and superluminal light. In:
I.I. Bigi, M. Faessler (Eds.): Time & Matter. Proceedings of the International
Colloquium on the Science of Time. Venice,
Italy, 11-17 August 2002. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2006, pp. 45-66
(DOI: 10.1142/9789812774392_0004)
G.M. Shore: Quantum gravitational optics.
Contemporary Physics 44(2003)503-521
(DOI: 10.1080/00107510310001617106)
J. Magueijo: New varying speed of light theories.
Reports on Progress in Physics 66(2003)2025-2068
(DOI: 10.1088/0034-4885/66/11/R04)
H. Fearn, R.H. Gibb: Dispersion relations and relativistic causality.
13 pp..
I.M. Khalatnikov: Open static Chaplygin universe.
Physics Letters B 563(2003)123-131
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(03)00405-2).
R.W. Ziolkowski, Ching-Ying Ying: Existence and design of trans-vacuum-speed
Physical Review E 68(2003)026612, 18 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.026612).
D. Darling:
The Complete Book of Spaceflight. From Apollo 1 to Zero Gravity.
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.
F.A. Barone Rangel:
Correções radiativas em teoria quântica de campos sob condições de contorno
[Radiative corrections in quantum field theory with boundary conditions].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
2003, 129 pp.
( http://objdig.ufrj.br/12/teses/653989.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
H. Nikolić: Causal paradoxes: a conflict between relativity and the arrow of time.
Foundations of Physics 19(2006)259-267
(DOI: 10.1007/s10702-006-0516-5)
E. Elizalde, E.J. Ferrer, V. de la Incera: Neutrino propagation
in a strongly magnetized medium.
Physical Review E 70(2004)043012, 19 pp.
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[arXiv:hep-ph/0404234 ].
H. Nikolić: Relativistic quantum mechanics and the Bohmian
Foundations of Physics Letters 18(2005)549-561
(DOI: 10.1007/s10702-005-1128-1)
C. Farina, F.A. Barone: Scharnhorst effect for a general
two-parameter Lagrangian density.
Physical Review D 71(2005)067701, 4 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.71.067701)
E.J. Ferrer, V. de la Incera: Photons and fermions in spacetime
with a compactified spatial dimension.
[Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogicheskogo Universiteta] (2004)
выпуск [issue] 7(44), 88-94
( http://vestnik.tspu.edu.ru/files/vestnik/PDF/articles/ferrer_e._zh._88_94_7_44_2004.pdf )
D. Arteaga, R. Parentani, E. Verdaguer: Gravity-mediated modifications
of the dispersion relation in nontrivial backgrounds.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 43(2004)731-747
(DOI: 10.1023/B:IJTP.0000048172.72326.9e).
The article is part of: E. Gunzig, V. Mukhanov, E. Verdaguer (Guest Eds.):
Proceedings of the Peyresq Physics 8 Meeting, The Early Universe -
Confronting Theory with Observations, Peyresq, France, 12-27 Jun 2003.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 43:3(2004)561-912.
R.B. Rodrigues, N.F. Svaiter: The physical measurable vacuum energy
density in rectangular geometries and the Scharnhorst effect.
Physica A 342(2004)529-550
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E.W. Davis: Teleportation physics study.
US Air Force Research Laboratory
Special Report AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2003-0034.
US Air Force Research Laboratory, Edwards Air Force Base, 2004, 75 pp.
( https://web.archive.org/web/20181101161042/http://www.dtic.mil/docs/citations/ADA425545 ).
E.W. Davis: Advanced propulsion study.
US Air Force Research Laboratory
Special Report AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2004-0024.
US Air Force Research Laboratory, Edwards Air Force Base, 2004, 88 pp.
( https://web.archive.org/web/20180601234419/http://www.dtic.mil/docs/citations/ADA426465 ).
C. Eberlein, D. Robaschik: Quantum electrodynamics near a dielectric
Physical Review D 73(2006)025009, 16 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.025009)
G. Russo: Conditions for the generation of causal paradoxes from superluminal signals.
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 2:8(2005)36-42
( http://www.ejtp.com/articles/ejtpv2i8p36.pdf ).
H. Nikolić:
Superluminal pions in the linear sigma model.
In: J. Trampetić, J. Wess (Eds.):
Particle Physics and the Universe, Proceedings of the 9th Adriatic
Meeting, Sept. 2003, Dubrovnik.
Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 98. Springer, Berlin, 2005, pp. 169-172
(DOI: 10.1007/3-540-26798-0_16).
M. Marklund, P.K. Shukla: Nonlinear collective effects in photon-photon
and photon-plasma interactions.
Reviews of Modern Physics 78(2006)591-640
(DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.78.591)
J.-Ph. Bruneton:
Causality and superluminal behavior in classical field theories:
Applications to k-essence theories and modified-Newtonian-dynamics-like
theories of gravity.
Physical Review D 75(2007)085013, 14 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.75.085013)
D.H. Delphenich:
Nonlinear optical analogies in quantum electrodynamics.
arXiv:hep-th/0610088, 24 pp..
C. Farina:
The Casimir effect: Some aspects.
Brazilian Journal of Physics 36(2006)1137-1149
(DOI: 10.1590/S0103-97332006000700006)
The article is part of the special issue: F.M. Leão de Almeida Jr.,
J. dos Anjos, S.E. Jorás, A.E. Santana (Guest Eds.):
XXVI Brazilian Meeting on Particles and Fields.
Brazilian Journal of Physics 36:4a(2006)1109-1209.
F. Winterberg:
Conjectured transient release of zero point vacuum energy in
powerful electric discharges.
Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 31(2006)363-374
( http://aflb.ensmp.fr/AFLB-314/aflb314m394.htm ).
G. Russo:
On a set of equivalent theories to special relativity.
Il Nuovo Cimento, 12. Series, B 121(2006)65-77
(DOI: 10.1393/ncb/i2005-10201-6).
L. Carvalho, R.M. Cavalcanti, M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina:
Magnetic permeability of the Dirac vacuum under confining boundary conditions.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39(2006)10923-10930
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/39/34/022).
H. Fearn:
Dispersion relations and causality: Does relativistic
causality require that n(ω) → 1 as ω → ∞?.
Journal of Modern Optics 53(2006)2569-2581
(DOI: 10.1080/09500340600952085).
The article is part of the special issue: R.W. Boyd, F.A. Narducci, G.R. Welch (Eds.):
36th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, 2-6 January 2006.
Journal of Modern Optics 53:16&17(2006)2233-2640.
T. de Melo Britto:
O efeito Casimir a um e dois laços
[The Casimir effect at one and two loops].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
2006, 154 pp. ( http://objdig.ufrj.br/12/teses/678597.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
L. Bernardino de Carvalho:
Efeito Casimir e polarização do vácuo do campo de Dirac
[Casimir effect and vacuum polarization of the Dirac field].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
2006, 152 pp.
( http://objdig.ufrj.br/12/teses/666684.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
H. Fearn:
Can light signals travel faster than c in nontrivial vacua in flat space-time?
Relativistic causality II.
Laser Physics 17(2007)695-699
(DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X07050155)
The article is part of the special issue:
Th. Brabec, T. Ditmire, V. Gordienko, V. Krainov, J. Marangos (Guest Eds.):
Laser-Cluster Interactions. Laser Physics 17:5(2007)591-773.
D. Arteaga:
Particle propagation in non-trivial backgrounds:
a quantum field theory approach.
Doctoral Thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona,
arXiv:0707.3899, 269 pp..
Yi-Fang Chang:
Perfect structure of the special relativity,
new superluminal interaction and neutrino-photon mass.
arXiv:0708.0435, 11 pp..
E. Babichev, V. Mukhanov, A. Vikman:
k-Essence, superluminal propagation, causality and emergent geometry.
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) (2008) No. 02, 101, 45 pp.
(DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/02/101)
Z.K. Silagadze:
Relativity without tears.
Acta Physica Polonica B 39(2008)811-885
( https://www.actaphys.uj.edu.pl/fulltext?series=Reg&vol=39&page=811 )
S. Dubovsky, A. Nicolis, E. Trincherini, G. Villadoro:
Microcausality in curved space-time.
Physical Review D 77(2008)084016, 12 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.084016)
J. Butterfield:
Reconsidering relativistic causality.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science21(2007)295-328
(DOI: 10.1080/02698590701589585)
A. Vikman:
K-essence: Cosmology, causality and emergent geometry.
Doctoral Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, 2007, 108 pp.
( https://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/7761/ ).
J.-Ph. Bruneton:
Théories alternatives de la gravitation et applications
[Alternative theories of gravitation and applications].
Doctoral Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, Paris, 2007, 201 pp.
( https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00315725 )
[HAL Id: 〈tel-00315725〉].
[in French, English abstract]
G. Pereira Goulart:
Fenômenos eletro-magneto-ópticos em meios materiais
[Electro-magnetic-optical phenomena in material media].
Master Thesis, Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Itajubá, 2007, 61 pp.
( http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br/pesquisa/DetalheObraForm.do?select_action=&co_obra=94088 ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
陈琳 [Chén lín (Lin Chen)]:
[Dài biānjiè tiáojiàn jīngdiǎn chǎng zhèngzé
liàngzǐ huà yánjiū]/[Canonical quantization of classical field with boundary conditions].
Master Thesis, 贵州大学 [Guìzhōu dàxué]/[Guizhou University],
Guiyang, 2007, 49 pp.
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CMFD2007&filename=2007133729.nh ). [in Chinese, English abstract]
J.R. Ellis, N.E. Mavromatos, D.V. Nanopoulos:
Derivation of a vacuum refractive index in a stringy space-time foam model.
Physics Letters B 665(2008)412-417
(DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2008.06.029)
A.S. Miranda, J. Morgan, V.T. Zanchin:
Quasinormal modes of plane-symmetric black holes
according to the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) (2008) No. 11, 030, 38 pp.
(DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/11/030)
N. Agarwal, R. Bean:
Cosmological constraints on general, single field inflation.
Physical Review D 79(2009)023503, 14 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.023503)
E. Margan:
Kratka zgodovina - ČESA?? V zagovor stohastični elektrodinamiki
[A brief history - WHAT?? In the defense of stochastic electrodynamics].
Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 2008, 142 pp.
( http://www-f9.ijs.si/~margan/Articles/SLO/what.pdf ). [in Slovenian]
A. dos Santos Miranda:
Modos quase-normais e a correspondência AdS/CFT
[Quasinormal modes and the AdS/CFT correspondence].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria,
2008, 134 pp.
( https://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/3879 ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
S. Nepal:
Some recent issues in relativity and cosmology.
Ph.D. Thesis, North Bengal University, Darjeeling, 2008, 222 pp.
( http://hdl.handle.net/10603/149981 ).
N.E. Mavromatos:
High-energy gamma-ray astronomy and string theory.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 174(2009)012016, 34 pp.
(DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/174/1/012016)
The article is part of: L. Diósi, H.-Th. Elze,
L. Fronzoni, J. Halliwell, G. Vitiello (Eds.):
Fourth International Workshop DICE2008: From Quantum
Mechanics Through Complexity to Spacetime: The Role of
Emergent Dynamical Structures.
22-26 September, 2008, Castello Pasquini/Castiglioncello (Tuscany), Italy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 174(2009).
M. Nouri-Zonoz, B. Nazari:
Vacuum energy and the spacetime index of refraction: A new synthesis.
Physical Review D 82(2010)044047, 8 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.044047)
N.E. Mavromatos:
Decoherence and CPT violation in a stringy model of space-time foam.
Foundations of Physics 40(2010)917-960
(DOI: 10.1007/s10701-009-9372-z)
[arXiv:0906.2712]. The article is part of:
Special Issue on Spin Statistics. Foundations of Physics 40:7(2010)681-1050.
S. Vongehr:
Supporting abstract relational space-time as fundamental without
doctrinism against emergence.
arXiv:0912.3069, 38 pp..
F. Winterberg:
The Einstein myth & the crisis in modern physics.
Physics Essays 22(2009)348-354
(DOI: 10.4006/1.3176669).
Earlier (shorter) versions of the article have been contributed to the conferences PIRT-IX (2004):
Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory - IX, Sept. 3-6, 2004, Imperial College, London
https://web.archive.org/web/20060129195824/http://www.cet.sunderland.ac.uk:80/webedit/allweb/news/Philosophy_of_Science/PIRT2004/Physical%20Interpretations%20of%20Relativity%20Theory%20-%20The%20Einstein%20Myth%20and%20the%20Crisis....doc ),
and PIRT-XIV (2008): M.C. Duffy, V.O. Gladyshev, A.N. Morozov, P. Rowlands (Eds.):
Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory.
Proceedings of International Scientific Meeting PIRT-2008, London, 12-15 September, 2008.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 2016
( https://web.archive.org/web/20230605213603/http://www.spsl.nsc.ru/fulltext/OKOL/CMPL/PIRT-2008.pdf ), pp. 429-438.
肖勇军 [Xiào yǒngjūn (Yong-Jun Xiao)]:
[Yuēshù xìtǒng de liàngzǐ huà jí xiāngguān wèntí
yánjiū]/[Quantization of constrained systems and related research problems].
Master Thesis, 贵州大学 [Guìzhōu dàxué]/[Guizhou University],
Guiyang, 2009, 45 pp.
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CMFD2011&filename=2010071758.nh ). [in Chinese, English abstract]
E.W. Davis: Faster-than-light approaches in general relativity.
In: M.G. Millis, E.W. Davis (Eds.):
Frontiers of Propulsion Science. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 227.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Reston, VI, 2009
( http://www.knovel.com/web/portal/basic_search/display?_EXT_KNOVEL_DISPLAY_bookid=2642 ),
pp. 471-507.
C. Barceló, S. Finazzi, S. Liberati: On the impossibility of
superluminal travel: the warp drive lesson.
arXiv:1001.4960, 9 pp..
A.E. Shabad, V.V. Usov:
Real and virtual photons in an external constant electromagnetic field
of most general form.
Physical Review D 81(2010)125008, 15 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.81.125008)
V. Putz, K. Svozil:
Can a computer be "pushed" to perform faster-than-light?
International Journal of Unconventional Computing 8(2012)99-105
( http://www.oldcitypublishing.com/journals/ijuc-home/ijuc-issue-contents/ijuc-volume-8-number-1-2012/ijuc-8-1-p-99-105/ )
[University of Auckland, Centre for Discrete Mathematics
and Theoretical Computer Science report CDMTCS-379,
The article is part of of the special issue: M. Stannett (Guest Ed.):
International Workshop of the Hypercomputation Research Network (HyperNet 10).
International Journal of Unconventional Computing 8:1(2012)1-105.
R. Akhoury, A.D. Dolgov: On the possibility of super-luminal propagation
in a gravitational background.
arXiv:1003.6110, 11 pp..
N.E. Mavromatos:
String quantum gravity, Lorentz-invariance violation and
gamma ray astronomy.
International Journal of Modern Physics A 25(2010)5409-5485
(DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X10050792)
G.J. Maclay:
Gedanken experiments with Casimir forces and vacuum energy.
Physical Review A 82(2010)032106, 9 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.032106).
陳琳 [Chén lín (Lin Chen)]:
[Biānjiè yuēshù xià xuán liàng chǎng jí qí xiānghù zuòyòng de
liàngzǐ huà]/[Quantization of spin field under boundary constraints].
[Tóngrén xuéyuàn xuébào = Journal of Tongren University]
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CJFD2010&filename=TRSF201002035 ). [in Chinese, English abstract]
Daqing Liu, Yanshen Wang, Xinghua Li:
A covering theory of special relativity.
Physics Essays 24(2010)308-312
(DOI: 10.4006/1.3589801).
B. Agostini, F.A. Barone, F.E. Barone, P. Gaete, J.A. Helayël-Neto:
Consequences of vacuum polarization on electromagnetic waves in a Lorentz-symmetry breaking scenario.
Physics Letters B 708(2012)212-215
(DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.01.050)
K. Svozil: Neutrino dispersion relation changes due to radiative corrections
as the origin of faster-than-light-in-vacuum propagation in a medium.
University of Auckland report CDMTCS 407/2011,
arXiv:1109.5411, 6 pp..
J. Pardo Vega, H. Pérez Rojas:
Photon propagation in the Casimir vacuum.
International Journal of Modern Physics E 20:supp02(2011)182-187
(DOI: 10.1142/S0218301311040773)
The article is part of:
A. Pérez Martínez, C. A. Z. Vasconcellos, D. Hadjimichef, H. Pérez Rojas, J. Horvath, W. Greiner (Eds.):
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Strong Electromagnetic Fields and Neutron Stars (SMFNS 2011),
Instituto de Cibernética, Matemática y Física (ICIMAF),
Sociedad Cubana de Física (SCF), Varadero, Cuba, 5-7 May 2011.
International Journal of Modern Physics E 20:supp02(2011).
张一方 [Zhāng yīfāng (Yi-Fang Zhang)]:
[Diàncí xué hé guāngxué děng zhōng de mǒu xiē jīběn wèntí yǔ chāo
guāngsù]/[Some basic problems in electromagnetism, optics and so on, and superluminality].
吉首大学学报 (自然科学版)
[Jíshǒu dàxué xuébào (zìrán kēxué bǎn)]
= Journal of Jishou University (Natural Sciences Edition)
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CJFD2011&filename=JSDN201105013 ). [in Chinese, English abstract]
T. Musha, Y. Minami:
Field Propulsion System for Space Travel: Physics of Non-Conventional Propulsion Methods for Interstellar Travel.
Bentham Science Publishers, Sharjah, U.A.E., 2011
(DOI: 10.2174/97816080527071110101, https://ebooks.benthamscience.com/book/9781608052707/ ).
N. Agarwal:
Cosmic acceleration: Past and present.
Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2011, 279 pp.
( http://hdl.handle.net/1813/29162 ).
M. Schreck:
Untersuchungen zur Lorentzsymmetriebrechung in der modifizierten Maxwell-Theorie
[Studies on the Lorentz symmetry breaking in the modified Maxwell theory].
Doctoral Thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, 2011, 311 pp.
( https://inspirehep.net/literature/919076 ).
[in German]
J.A. Contreras Roa:
Relación del efecto Casimir y el efecto Scharnhorst con el fenómeno superluminal.
Thesis (trabajo de grado), Universidad de Pamplona, Pamplona, 2011, 98 pp.. [in Spanish]
B.D.O. Adams:
Superluminal neutinos in matter and causality.
viXra:1202.0035, 7 pp..
R. Battesti, C. Rizzo:
Magnetic and electric properties of quantum vacuum.
Reports of Progress in Physics 76(2013)016401, 24 pp.
(DOI: 10.1088/0034-4885/76/1/016401)
J.A. Mendoza S., J.A. Contreras R., R. Mendoza Suárez:
Relación del efecto Casimir y el efecto Scharnhorst con el fenómeno superluminal
[Relationship of the Casimir effect and the Scharnhorst effect with superluminal phenomenon].
Bistua: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas 10:2(2012)3-8
( http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=90326388004 ). [in Spanish, English abstract]
Г.Б. Малыкин
[G.B. Malykin],
Е.А. Романец
[E.A. Romanets]:
[Sverkhsvetovye dvizheniya (obzor)].
[Optika i Spektroskopiya] 112(2012)993-1008
( https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17745637 ). [in Russian]
English translation:
Superluminal motion (Review).
Optics and Spectroscopy 112(2012)920-934
(DOI: 10.1134/S0030400X12040145).
R.R. Sharma:
A new light on the nature of light.
Physics Essays 25(2012)91-105
( http://physicsessays.org/browse-journal-2/product/189-14-pdf-rati-ram-sharma-a-new-light-on-the-nature-of-light.html ).
U.W. Massie:
Gravity and zero point energy.
Physics Procedia 38(2012)280-287
(DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2012.08.027).
黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
[Lùn Casimir xiàoyìng zhōng de chāo guāngsù
xiànxiàng]/[Faster-than-light phenomenon of the Casimir effect].
[Zhōngguó chuánméi dàxué xuébào (zìrán kēxué
bǎn)] = Journal of Communication University of China (Science and Technology)
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CJFD2012&filename=BJGB201202000 ). [in Chinese, English abstract]
黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
[Lùn liàngzǐ chāo guāngsù
xìng]/[Discussions of the quantum superluminality].
[Zhōngguó chuánméi dàxué xuébào (zìrán kēxué
bǎn)] = Journal of Communication University of China (Science and Technology)
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CJFD2012&filename=BJGB201203002 ),
ibid. 19:4(2012)1-17
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黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
["Zhēnkōng zhōng guāngsù c"jí xiànxíng mǐ dìngyì
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on light-speed in vacuum and the definity of meter].
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Thoroughly testing Einstein’s special relativity theory, and more.
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[The interaction between mesons in the phase transitions of hadronic matter and new manifestations
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Yu.M. Poluektov:
On the dependence of the speed of light in vacuum on temperature.
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黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
Casimir 效应与量子真空
[Casimir xiàoyìng
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黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
[Cóng shēng jī bō dào guāng jī bō]/[From
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Zhi-Xun Huang:
Two kinds of vacuum in Casimir effect.
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Zhixun Huang:
A study and discussion of the 1983 meter definition.
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Ю.М. Полуектов [Yu.M. Poluektov]:
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Temperature dependence of the speed of equilibrium radiation propagation.
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Bit rate bound on superluminal communication.
Physical Review D 104(2021)084062, 7 pp.
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W. Bietenholz:
From Ramanujan to renormalization: The art of doing away with divergences and
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Revista Mexicana de Física E 18(2021)020203, 15 pp.
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M.A.A. Ahmed, H. Zainuddin, N.M. Shah, Madjid Lakhdar Hamou Ladrem:
Real time thermal photon–photon interactions in the mixed space.
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Superluminal, contradiction and unification between quantum theory and special relativity.
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Zhi-Xun Huang:
On the non-relativistic space-time view and the covariation of Maxwell's equations.
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 41:45(2022)1-27
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А. М. Ишханян [A.M. Ishkhanyan],
В. П. Крайнов [V.P. Krainov]:
[Kachestvennoe rassmotrenie èffekta Sharnkhorsta].
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[Pis'ma v Zhurnal Èksperimentalnoĭ i Teoreticheskoĭ Fiziki] 115(2022)401-403
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Qualitative consideration of the Scharnhorst effect.
JETP Letters 115(2022)368-370
(DOI: 10.1134/s0021364022100186).
Д. Фискалетти [D. Fiscaletti],
А.С. Сорли [A.S. Sorli]:
От обобщенных
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к микрофизике
частиц, макрофизике
черных дыр и эффекту
Казимира в
квантовом вакууме
[Ot obobshchennykh sootnosheniĭ neopredelennosteĭ k edinomu podkhodu k mikrofizike èlementarnykh chastits,
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Generalized uncertainty relations, particles, black holes, and Casimir effect in the
three-dimensional quantum vacuum.
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W. Bietenholz:
Ramanujan summation and the Casimir effect.
Suplemento de la Revista Mexicana de Física 3(2022)020705, 6 pp.
(DOI: 10.31349/SuplRevMexFis.3.020705)
A. Molochkov:
Nonperturbative Casimir effects: Vacuum structure, confinement, and chiral symmetry breaking.
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Chiral Matter. Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium 167. Nobel Symposium 167: Chiral Matter,
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I.I. Carmeli:
Time expansion at the interface of organic metallic surfaces.
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B.V. Dmytrovych.:
Theory of relativity, causality, the Scharnhorst effect and the speed of light.
Paper archived at ResearchGate, 2022, 2 pp.
(DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31566.33603).
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