Klaus Scharnhorst - Publications
G. Barton, K. Scharnhorst: QED between parallel mirrors: Light
signals faster than c, or amplified by the vacuum.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 26:8(1993)2037-2046
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/26/8/024). An abstract of the article is also printed in:
D. Robaschik (Ed.): Proceedings of the Second Workshop on "Quantum Field Theory
under the Influence of External Conditions" held at University of Leipzig,
September 14 to September 20, 1992. University of Leipzig,
Naturwissenschaftlich-Theoretisches Zentrum, Leipzig, 1992, p. 113.
[INSPIRE record]
Because it is scattered by the zero-point oscillations of the
quantized fields, light of frequency omega travelling normally
to two parallel mirrors experiences the vacuum between them as
a dispersive medium with refractive index n(omega). Our earlier
low-frequency result that n(0) < 1 is combined with the
Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation for n and with the classic
Sommerfeld-Brillouin argument to show (under certain physically
reasonable assumptions) that either n(∞) < 1, in which case
the signal velocity c/n(∞) exceeds c; or that the imaginary
part of n is negative at least for some ranges of frequency, in which
case the vacuum between the mirrors fails to respond to a light
probe like a normal passive medium. Further, the optical theorem
suggests that n exhibits no dispersion to order e4, i.e. that
n(∞) = n(0) up to corrections of order e6 at most.
The article is cited in:
P.W. Milonni, M.L. Shih: Casimir forces.
Contemporary Physics 33(1992)313-322
(DOI: 10.1080/00107519208223981).
D. Robaschik, E. Wieczorek:
Stress fluctuations in QED with boundary conditions.
In: S. Dubnička, A.Z. Dubničková (Eds.):
HADRON STRUCTURE'93. Hadron Structure'93 International Conference,
Banská Štiavnica, September 5-10, 1993. PROCEEDINGS.
Janeva, Liptovský Mikuláš, 1993, pp. 29-40.
R.D. Daniels, G.M. Shore: `Faster than light' photons
and charged black holes.
Nuclear Physics B 425(1994)634-650
(DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(94)90291-7)
K. Scharnhorst: A functional integral equation for the
complete effective action in quantum field theory.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 36(1997)281-343
(DOI: 10.1007/BF02435737),
[University of Leipzig report NTZ 16/1993, arXiv:hep-th/9312137;
published version abbreviated].
= paper [20]
W. Heitmann, G. Nimtz: On causality proofs of superluminal
barrier traversal of frequency band limited wave packets.
Physics Letters A 196(1994)154-158
(DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(94)91218-1).
D. Robaschik, E. Wieczorek: Pressure fluctuations and the
quantization of electrodynamics with boundary conditions.
Annals of Physics (New York) 236(1994)43-68
(DOI: 10.1006/aphy.1994.1107).
R.Y. Chiao, P.G. Kwiat, A.M. Steinberg:
Optical tests of quantum mechanics.
In: B. Bederson, H. Walther (Eds.):
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 34.
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1994, pp. 35-83
(DOI: 10.1016/S1049-250X(08)60074-9).
J.I. Latorre, P. Pascual, R. Tarrach: Speed of light
in non-trivial vacua.
Nuclear Physics B 437(1995)60-82
(DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(94)00490-6)
A.M. Steinberg:
When can light go faster than light? The tunneling time and
its sub-femtosecond measurement via quantum interference.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1994, 177 pp.
( https://search.proquest.com/docview/304079188 ).
G.M. Shore: `Faster than light' photons in gravitational fields
- Causality, anomalies and horizons.
Nuclear Physics B 460(1996)379-394
(DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(95)00646-X)
R.D. Daniels, G.M. Shore: `Faster than light' photons and
rotating black holes.
Physics Letters B 367(1996)75-83
(DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(95)01468-3)
T. Emig:
Deutung der Tunnelzeiten bei evaneszenten elektromagnetischen
Moden im Rahmen der klassischen Elektrodynamik [Interpretation of
tunneling times for evanescent electromagnetic modes within the framework
of classical electrodynamics]. Diploma Thesis, Universität Köln, Cologne,
1995, 101 pp.
( http://inspirehep.net/record/393697 ). [in German]
R.L. Forward: Mass modification experiment study (an
Air Force report).
Journal of Scientific Exploration 10(1996)325-354
( https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/10/jse_10_3_forward.pdf ).
S.M. Barnett, C.R. Gilson, B. Huttner, N. Imoto:
Field commutation relations in optical cavities.
Physical Review Letters 77(1996)1739-1742
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.1739).
R.Y. Chiao:
Population inversion and superluminality.
In: R.Y. Chiao (Ed.): Amazing Light - A Volume Dedicated
Charles Hard Townes on His 80th Birthday.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996, pp. 191-210
(DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-2378-8_10).
A.M. Steinberg, P.G. Kwiat, R.Y. Chiao:
Quantum optical tests of the foundations of physics.
In: G.W.F. Drake (Ed.): Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Handbook.
AIP Press, Woodbury, NY, 1996, Chapter 77, pp. 901-918
(DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-26308-3_80).
D.R. Daniels:
Quantum field theory near black holes.
Ph.D. Thesis, Swansea University, Swansea, 1996.
X.W. Kong, F. Ravndal: Radiative corrections to the Casimir energy.
Physical Review Letters 79(1997)545-548
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.545)
J.E. Maiorino, W.A. Rodrigues: Faster than light?
In: L. Conti, M. M. Capria (Eds.): La Scienza e i Vortici del Dubbio.
Università degli Studi di Perugia, Ricerche Filosofiche, Sezione Epistemologia e
Storia della Scienza, Vol. 7. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, 1999, pp. 249-261
[report RP-81-97,
F. Cardone, R. Mignani, V.S. Olkhovsky:
About superluminal propagation of an electromagnetic wavepacket
inside a rectangular waveguide.
Journal de Physique I (France) 7(1997)1211-1219
(DOI: 10.1051/jp1:1997118).
X.W. Kong, F. Ravndal: Quantum corrections to the QED vacuum energy:
Nuclear Physics B 526(1998)627-656
(DOI: 10.1016/S0550-3213(98)00364-2)
H. Gies, W. Dittrich: Light propagation in non-trivial QED vacua.
Physics Letters B 431(1998)420-429
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00572-3)
W. Dittrich, H. Gies: Light propagation in nontrivial QED vacua.
Physical Review D 58(1998)025004, 13 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.58.025004)
A.D. Dolgov, I.D. Novikov: Superluminal propagation of light
in gravitational field and non-causal signals.
Physics Letters B 442(1998)82-89
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)01223-4)
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, M.R. Negrão, A. Tort:
Bosonic Casimir effect in external magnetic field.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32(1999)4457-4462
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/32/24/310)
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, M.R. Negrão, A. Tort:
Magnetic permeability of constrained scalar QED vacuum.
Physics Letters B 483(2000)144-150
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00547-5)
K. Scharnhorst: The velocities of light in modified QED vacua.
Annalen der Physik (Leipzig), 8. Series, 7(1998)700-709
(DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1521-3889(199812)7:7/8<700::AID-ANDP700>3.0.CO;2-K)
The article is part of: P. Mittelstaedt, G. Nimtz (Guest Eds.):
Proceedings of the Workshop Superluminal(?) Velocities: Tunneling Time,
Barrier Penetration, Non-Trivial Vacua, Philosophy of Physics,
June 1998, Cologne.
Annalen der Physik (Leipzig), 8. Series, 7:7-8(1998)593-782.
= paper [26]
K.A. Milton: Julian Schwinger and the Casimir effect -
The reality of zero-point energy. In: M. Bordag (Ed.):
The Casimir Effect 50 Years Later,
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the
Influence of External Conditions, Leipzig, Germany, September 14-18, 1998.
World Scientific, Singapore, 1999 (DOI: 10.1142/9789814527576), pp. 20-36
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort:
QED vacuum between a conducting and a permeable plate.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32(1999)4463-4474
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/32/24/311)
M. Schaden, L. Spruch, F. Zhou:
Unified treatment of some Casimir energies and Lamb shifts: A
dielectric between two ideal conductors.
Physical Review A 57(1998)1108-1120
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.57.1108).
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort:
The speed of light in confined QED vacuum: Faster or slower than c?.
Physics Letters B 446(1999)170-174
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)01536-6).
C. Lämmerzahl: Quantum tests of space-time structures.
In: P. G. Bergmann, V. de Sabbata,
G. T. Gillies, P. I. Pronin, A. Zichichi (Eds.):
Spin in Gravity - Is it Possible to Give an Experimental Basis
to Torsion? International School of Cosmology and Gravitation, XV. Course,
13-20 May, 1997, Erice, Italy.
World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1998 (DOI: 10.1142/3781), pp. 91-117.
C.D. Fosco, N.F. Svaiter: Finite size effects in the anisotropic lambda
(φ14 + φ24)d /4!
model. CBPF Rio de Janeiro report CBPF-NF-052-99,
33 pp..
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort:
The speed of light between an unusual pair of plates.
In: M. Bordag (Ed.):
The Casimir Effect 50 Years Later,
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the
Influence of External Conditions, Leipzig, Germany, September 14-18, 1998.
World Scientific, Singapore, 1999 (DOI: 10.1142/9789814527576), pp. 260-264.
G.J. Maclay:
Unusual properties of conductive rectangular
cavities in the zero point electromagnetic field - Resolving
Forward's Casimir energy extraction cycle paradox.
In: M.S. El-Genk (Ed.):
Space Technology and Applications Forum - 1999. Conference on International Space
Station Utilization, Conference on Global Virtual Presence, Conference on Applications
of Thermophysics in Microgravity and Breakthrough Propulsion Physics, Conference
on Next Generation Launch Systems, 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and
Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM February 1999. AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 458.
American Institute of Physics, AIP Press, Woodbury, NY, 1999, pp. 968-973
(DOI: 10.1063/1.57676).
H. Gies: Probing the quantum vacuum - Perturbative effective
action approach in QED and QCD and its applications;
Doctoral Thesis, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen,
Tübingen, 1999, 264 pp..
M.M.R. Negrão:
Vácuo confinado da eletrodinâmica quântica em campo magnético externo
[The confined vacuum of quantum electrodynamics in an external magnetic field].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
1999, 100 pp.
( http://objdig.ufrj.br/12/teses/357162.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
B.A. Bassett, S. Liberati, C. Molina-París, M. Visser:
Geometrodynamics of variable-speed-of-light cosmologies.
Physical Review D 62(2000)103518, 18 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.62.103518)
S. Liberati: Vacuum effects in gravitational fields: Theory and
detectability. Doctoral Thesis, International School for Advanced
Studies (SISSA), Trieste 2000,
237 pp..
S. Liberati, S. Sonego, M. Visser: Scharnhorst effect at oblique
Physical Review D 63(2001)085003, 10 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.63.085003)
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort:
O efeito Casimir [The Casimir effect].
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 22(2000)122-132
( http://www.sbfisica.org.br/rbef/pdf/v22_122.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
M. Moldovan:
Viteza luminii - viteza limită în univers?
[The speed of light - the speed limit in the universe?].
Caiete de Fizică 2:6(2000)10-11
( http://inspirehep.net/record/551662 ).
[in Romanian]
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, M.S. Ribeiro, A.C. Tort:
Permissidade elétrica do vácuo da EDQ
escalar sob condições de contorno
[Electric permittivity of the vacuum in scalar quantum electrodynamics
with boundary conditions].
XXI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos
[Proceedings of 21th Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields],
São Lourenço, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 23 - 27 Oct 2000
( http://www.sbf1.sbfisica.org.br/eventos/enfpc/xxi/procs/res62 ).
[in Portuguese]
W. Dittrich, H. Gies: Probing the quantum vacuum. Perturbative
effective action approach in quantum electrodynamics and its
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 166.
Springer, Berlin, 2000 (DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45585-X).
J. Mehra, K.A. Milton:
Climbing the Mountain - The Scientific
Biography of Julian Schwinger. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000
(DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198527459.001.0001).
C. Barceló, S. Liberati, M. Visser: Analogue gravity from field
theory normal modes?.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 18(2001)3595-3610
(DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/18/17/313)
S. Liberati, S. Sonego, M. Visser: Faster-than-c signals, special
relativity, and causality.
Annals of Physics (New York) 298(2002)167-185
(DOI: 10.1006/aphy.2002.6233)
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort:
The influence of an external magnetic field on the fermionic
Casimir effect.
Brazilian Journal of Physics 31(2001)84-88
(DOI: 10.1590/S0103-97332001000100016).
K.A. Milton:
The Casimir Effect - Physical Manifestations
of Zero-Point Energy. World Scientific, Singapore, 2001
(DOI: 10.1142/4505).
M. Visser, C. Barceló, S. Liberati: Bi-refringence versus
10 pp..
Yu.N. Obukhov, G.F. Rubilar: Fresnel analysis of wave propagation
in nonlinear electrodynamics.
Physical Review D 66(2002)024042, 11 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.66.024042)
[arXiv:gr-qc/0204028 ].
M.I. Caicedo, N.F. Svaiter: Effective Lagrangians for scalar
fields and finite size effects in field theory.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 45(2004)179-196
(DOI: 10.1063/1.1629138)
P.W. Milonni: Controlling the speed of light pulses.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
(DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/35/6/201).
M. Visser:
Coda. In: M. Novello, M. Visser,
G. Volovik (Eds.): Artificial Black Holes.
World Scientific, Singapore 2002, pp. 365-382
(DOI: 10.1142/9789812778178_0014).
C. Genet:
La force de Casimir entre deux miroirs métalliques à température non nulle
[The Casimir force between two metallic mirrors at non-zero temperature].
Doctoral Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, Paris,
2002, 183pp.
( https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00001749 )
[HAL Id: 〈tel-00001749〉].
[in French, English abstract]
H. Fearn, R.H. Gibb: Dispersion relations and relativistic causality.
13 pp..
F. Cardone, R. Mignani: A unified view to Cologne and Florence
experiments on superluminal photon propagation.
Physics Letters A 306(2003)265-270
(DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(02)01472-X).
I.M. Khalatnikov: Open static Chaplygin universe.
Physics Letters B 563(2003)123-131
(DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(03)00405-2).
R.W. Ziolkowski, Ching-Ying Ying: Existence and design of trans-vacuum-speed
Physical Review E 68(2003)026612, 18 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.026612).
H. Ramíréz Díaz, E.A. Martí Panameño, M.M. Méndez Otero,
C.A. Alejo Armenta: Transmisión de pulsos luminosos ultracortos que
inciden oblicuamente sobre un medio absorbente y/o dispersivo [Transmission of
ultrashort light pulses with oblique incidence on an absorbent or disperse medium].
Revista Mexicana de Física 50(2004)225-231
( http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?pid=S0035-001X2004000300004&script=sci_abstract ) . [in Spanish, English abstract]
F. Cardone, R. Mignani:
Energy and Geometry. An Introduction to Deformed Special Relativity.
World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics, Vol. 22.
World Scientific, Singapore, 2004
(DOI: 10.1142/5449).
C. Eberlein, D. Robaschik: Quantum electrodynamics near a dielectric
Physical Review D 73(2006)025009, 16 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.025009)
G. Russo: Conditions for the generation of causal paradoxes from superluminal signals.
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 2:8(2005)36-42
( http://www.ejtp.com/articles/ejtpv2i8p36.pdf ).
M. Marklund, P.K. Shukla: Nonlinear collective effects in photon-photon
and photon-plasma interactions.
Reviews of Modern Physics 78(2006)591-640
(DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.78.591)
G. Russo:
On a set of equivalent theories to special relativity.
Il Nuovo Cimento, 12. Series, B 121(2006)65-77
(DOI: 10.1393/ncb/i2005-10201-6).
F. Cardone, S.P. Maidanyuk, R. Mignani, V.S. Olkhovsky:
Multiple internal reflections during particle and photon tunneling.
Foundations of Physics Letters 19(2006)441-457
(DOI: 10.1007/s10702-006-0903-y).
H. Fearn:
Dispersion relations and causality: Does relativistic
causality require that n(ω) → 1 as ω → ∞?.
Journal of Modern Optics 53(2006)2569-2581
(DOI: 10.1080/09500340600952085).
The article is part of the special issue: R.W. Boyd, F.A. Narducci, G.R. Welch (Eds.):
36th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, 2-6 January 2006.
Journal of Modern Optics 53:16&17(2006)2233-2640.
A.M. Steinberg, P.G. Kwiat, R.Y. Chiao:
Quantum optical tests of the foundations of physics.
In: G.W.F. Drake (Ed.): Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular,
and Optical Physics. Springer, 2006, New York, Part F, Chapter 80,
pp. 1185-1213 (DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-26308-3_80).
L. Bernardino de Carvalho:
Efeito Casimir e polarização do vácuo do campo de Dirac
[Casimir effect and vacuum polarization of the Dirac field].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
2006, 152 pp.
( http://objdig.ufrj.br/12/teses/666684.pdf ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
H. Fearn:
Can light signals travel faster than c in nontrivial vacua in flat space-time?
Relativistic causality II.
Laser Physics 17(2007)695-699
(DOI: 10.1134/S1054660X07050155)
The article is part of the special issue:
Th. Brabec, T. Ditmire, V. Gordienko, V. Krainov, J. Marangos (Guest Eds.):
Laser-Cluster Interactions. Laser Physics 17:5(2007)591-773.
Z.K. Silagadze:
Relativity without tears.
Acta Physica Polonica B 39(2008)811-885
( https://www.actaphys.uj.edu.pl/fulltext?series=Reg&vol=39&page=811 )
J. Butterfield:
Reconsidering relativistic causality.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science21(2007)295-328
(DOI: 10.1080/02698590701589585)
F. Cardone, R. Mignani:
Deformed Spacetime. Geometrizing Interactions in Four and Five Dimensions.
Fundamental Theories of Physics, Vol. 157.
Springer, Dordrecht, 2007 (DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6283-4).
陈琳 [Chén lín (Lin Chen)]:
[Dài biānjiè tiáojiàn jīngdiǎn chǎng zhèngzé
liàngzǐ huà yánjiū]/[Canonical quantization of classical field with boundary conditions].
Master Thesis, 贵州大学 [Guìzhōu dàxué]/[Guizhou University],
Guiyang, 2007, 49 pp.
( https://en.cnki.com.cn/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbname=CMFD2007&filename=2007133729.nh ). [in Chinese, English abstract]
J.R. Ellis, N.E. Mavromatos, D.V. Nanopoulos:
Derivation of a vacuum refractive index in a stringy space-time foam model.
Physics Letters B 665(2008)412-417
(DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2008.06.029)
N.E. Mavromatos:
High-energy gamma-ray astronomy and string theory.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 174(2009)012016, 34 pp.
(DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/174/1/012016)
The article is part of: L. Diósi, H.-Th. Elze,
L. Fronzoni, J. Halliwell, G. Vitiello (Eds.):
Fourth International Workshop DICE2008: From Quantum
Mechanics Through Complexity to Spacetime: The Role of
Emergent Dynamical Structures.
22-26 September, 2008, Castello Pasquini/Castiglioncello (Tuscany), Italy.
Journal of Physics Conference: Series 174(2009).
M. Nouri-Zonoz, B. Nazari:
Vacuum energy and the spacetime index of refraction: A new synthesis.
Physical Review D 82(2010)044047, 8 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.044047)
N.E. Mavromatos:
Decoherence and CPT violation in a stringy model of space-time foam.
Foundations of Physics 40(2010)917-960
(DOI: 10.1007/s10701-009-9372-z)
[arXiv:0906.2712]. The article is part of:
Special Issue on Spin Statistics. Foundations of Physics 40:7(2010)681-1050.
B. Gonçalves, G. de Berredo-Peixoto, I.L. Shapiro:
One-loop corrections to the photon propagator in the curved-space QED.
Physical Review D 80(2009)104013, 17 pp.
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.104013)
C. Barceló, S. Finazzi, S. Liberati: On the impossibility of
superluminal travel: the warp drive lesson.
arXiv:1001.4960, 9 pp..
V. Putz, K. Svozil:
Can a computer be "pushed" to perform faster-than-light?
International Journal of Unconventional Computing 8(2012)99-105
( http://www.oldcitypublishing.com/journals/ijuc-home/ijuc-issue-contents/ijuc-volume-8-number-1-2012/ijuc-8-1-p-99-105/ )
[University of Auckland, Centre for Discrete Mathematics
and Theoretical Computer Science report CDMTCS-379,
The article is part of of the special issue: M. Stannett (Guest Ed.):
International Workshop of the Hypercomputation Research Network (HyperNet 10).
International Journal of Unconventional Computing 8:1(2012)1-105.
F. Barriquand: Retrospective examination of three articles published
in the 'Revue des Questions Scientifiques' in 2005 and 2006.
vixra:1006.0057, 20 pp..
N.E. Mavromatos:
String quantum gravity, Lorentz-invariance violation and
gamma ray astronomy.
International Journal of Modern Physics A 25(2010)5409-5485
(DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X10050792)
B. Gonçalves:
Estudo de aspectos clássicos e quânticos do campo
de Dirac em espaço-tempo curvo
[A study of classical and quantum aspects of the Dirac field in curved space-time].
Doctoral Thesis, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, 2010, 114 pp.
( https://repositorio.ufjf.br/jspui/handle/ufjf/5349 ).
[in Portuguese, English abstract]
R.E. Kastner:
de Broglie waves as the "Bridge of Becoming" between quantum theory and relativity.
Foundations of Science 18(2013)1-9
(DOI: 10.1007/s10699-011-9273-4)
K. Svozil: Neutrino dispersion relation changes due to radiative corrections
as the origin of faster-than-light-in-vacuum propagation in a medium.
University of Auckland report CDMTCS 407/2011,
arXiv:1109.5411, 6 pp..
O.I. Chashchina, Z.K. Silagadze:
Breaking the light speed barrier.
Acta Physica Polonica B 43(2012)1917-1952
( https://www.actaphys.uj.edu.pl/fulltext?series=Reg&vol=43&page=1917 )
J.A. Contreras Roa:
Relación del efecto Casimir y el efecto Scharnhorst con el fenómeno superluminal.
Thesis (trabajo de grado), Universidad de Pamplona, Pamplona, 2011, 98 pp.. [in Spanish]
J.A. Mendoza S., J.A. Contreras R., R. Mendoza Suárez:
Relación del efecto Casimir y el efecto Scharnhorst con el fenómeno superluminal
[Relationship of the Casimir effect and the Scharnhorst effect with superluminal phenomenon].
Bistua: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas 10:2(2012)3-8
( http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=90326388004 ). [in Spanish, English abstract]
Г.Б. Малыкин
[G.B. Malykin],
Е.А. Романец
[E.A. Romanets]:
[Sverkhsvetovye dvizheniya (obzor)].
[Optika i Spektroskopiya] 112(2012)993-1008
( https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17745637 ). [in Russian]
English translation:
Superluminal motion (Review).
Optics and Spectroscopy 112(2012)920-934
(DOI: 10.1134/S0030400X12040145).
黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
[Lùn Casimir xiàoyìng zhōng de chāo guāngsù
xiànxiàng]/[Faster-than-light phenomenon of the Casimir effect].
[Zhōngguó chuánméi dàxué xuébào (zìrán kēxué
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黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
[Lùn liàngzǐ chāo guāngsù
xìng]/[Discussions of the quantum superluminality].
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M.E. Hassani:
Superluminal spatio-temporal transformations.
First basic step toward the Superluminal Relativistic Mechanics.
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B.A. Bassett, Y. Fantaye, R. Hložek, C. Sabiu, M. Smith:
Observational constraints on redshift remapping.
arXiv:1312.2593, 9 pp..
I. Carmeli:
Magnetism induced by vacuum polarization at the gold-monolayer interface.
arXiv:1403.1471, 16 pp..
A. Garcés Doz:
The BICEP2 experiment and the inflationary model:
Dimensionless quantization of gravity. Predictive theory of quantum strings.
Quantum wormholes and nonlocality of QM. The absence of dark matter.
viXra:1407.0217, 134 pp..
黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
["Zhēnkōng zhōng guāngsù c"jí xiànxíng mǐ dìngyì
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on light-speed in vacuum and the definity of meter].
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Metaphysical foundations of physics.
European Journal of Science and Theology 12:3(2016)123-132
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M. Schäfer, I. Huet, H. Gies:
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Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 49(2016)135402, 27 pp.
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S.G. de Clark:
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黄志洵 [Huáng zhìxún (Zhi-Xun Huang)]:
Casimir 效应与量子真空
[Casimir xiàoyìng
zhēnkōng]/[The Casimir effect and quantum vacuum].
前沿科学 (季刊)
[Qiányán kēxué (jìkān)]/Frontier Science
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V. Mohan:
Back-reaction of quantum processes and modified gravitational dynamics.
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S. Al Saleh:
Accelerated detector response function in squeezed vacuum.
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H. Dehnen:
Newtonian gravity reformulated.
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V. Mohan:
Quantum interactions, predictability and emergence of gravity.
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H. Dehnen:
A phenomenological extension of the newtonian gravity.
International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics 9(2019)63-70
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Р.А. Нуруллин
[P.A. Nurullin]:
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Zhi-Xun Huang:
Two kinds of vacuum in Casimir effect.
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 40:35(2021)61-77
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O. Chashchina, Z. Silagadze:
Relativity 4-ever?
MDPI Physics 4(2022) 421-439
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A. Molochkov:
Nonperturbative Casimir effects: Vacuum structure, confinement, and chiral symmetry breaking.
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I.I. Carmeli:
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Z. Shangnana:
Emergent mass from the vacuum.
Paper archived at ResearchGate, 2022, 20 pp.
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E.N. Markoulakis:
The superluminous vacuum.
International Journal of Physical Research 11(2023)18-25
(DOI: 10.14419/ijpr.v11i1.32269 ).
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