Klaus Scharnhorst - Publications
K. Scharnhorst: Results for the strong coupling
lattice Schwinger model with Wilson fermions from a
study of the equivalent loop model.
Physical Review D 56:6(1997)3650-3659
(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.56.3650)
[arXiv:hep-lat/9505001, University of Wales Swansea report SWAT/95/72].
[INSPIRE record]
Salmhofer has demonstrated the equivalence of the strong coupling
lattice Schwinger model with Wilson
fermions to a self-avoiding loop model on the square lattice with
a bending rigidity η = 1/2. The present paper applies two approximate
analytical methods to the investigation of critical properties of
the self-avoiding loop model with variable eta,
discusses their validity, and makes a comparison with known
Monte Carlo results. One method is based on the independent loop
approximation used in the literature for studying phase transitions
in polymers, liquid helium, and cosmic strings. The
second method relies on the known exact solution of the self-avoiding
loop model with η = 2-1/2. The present investigation confirms
recent findings that the strong coupling lattice Schwinger model becomes
critical for κcr ~ 0.38-0.39. The phase transition is of
second order and lies in the Ising model
universality class. Finally, the central charge of the model at criticality
is discussed and predicted to be c = 1/2.
The article is cited in:
C.B. Lang: 7-vertex model series.
Karl Franzens University Graz WWW page (1995):
H. Gausterer, C.B. Lang: Strong-coupling lattice Schwinger model
on large spherelike lattices.
Nuclear Physics B 455[FS](1995)785-795
(DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(95)00533-X)
K. Scharnhorst: The exact equivalence of the two-flavour
strong coupling lattice Schwinger model with Wilson fermions
to a vertex model. Nuclear Physics B 479[FS](1996)727-745
(DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(96)00402-6) [arXiv:hep-lat/9604024]
= paper [22]
K. Scharnhorst: The exact equivalence of the one-flavour
lattice Thirring model with Wilson fermions to a two-colour
loop model. Nuclear Physics B 503(1997)479-504
(DOI: 10.1016/S0550-3213(97)00423-9) [arXiv:hep-lat/9611005].
= paper [24]
M. Wohlgenannt:
The Schwinger model - From strong coupling to fixed-point actions.
Diploma Thesis, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, 1998, 82 pp.
( https://web.archive.org/web/20160517120311/http://physik.uni-graz.at/itp/files/wohlgenannt/diplomarbeit.ps.gz ).
K. Scharnhorst: Isocliny in spinor space and Wilson fermions.
Nuclear Physics B 581[PM](2000)718-742
(DOI: 10.1016/S0550-3213(00)00284-4) [arXiv:hep-lat/0002022].
= paper [28]
Ch. Gattringer, Th. Kloiber, V. Sazonov:
Solving the sign problems of the massless lattice Schwinger model with a dual formulation.
Nuclear Physics B 897(2015)732-748
(DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2015.06.017)
D. Göschl:
Dual simulations in 2-dimensional lattice field theories.
Master Thesis, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, 2016, 86 pp.
( https://unipub.uni-graz.at/obvugrhs/1521445 ).
D. Göschl, Ch. Gattringer, A. Lehmann, Ch. Weis:
Simulation strategies for the massless lattice Schwinger model in the dual formulation.
Nuclear Physics B 924(2017)63-85
(DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2017.09.006)
D. Göschl:
Dual simulation of the massless lattice Schwinger model with topological term and non-zero chemical potential.
EPJ Web of Conference 175(2018)07002, 8 pp.
(DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201817507002)
The article is part of:
35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017),
EPJ Web of Conference 175(2018).
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Document last modified: June 8, 2023
Document address: http://people.physik.hu-berlin.de/~scharnh/cite23.htm