Klaus Scharnhorst - Publications
K. Scharnhorst: A Grassmann integral equation.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 44:11(2003)5415-5449
(DOI: 10.1063/1.1612896) [arXiv:math-ph/0206006].
[INSPIRE record]
The present study introduces and investigates
a new type of equation which is called
Grassmann integral equation in analogy to integral equations
studied in real analysis. A Grassmann integral equation is an
equation which involves Grassmann (Berezin) integrations and which is
to be obeyed by an unknown function over
a (finite-dimensional) Grassmann algebra Gm
(i.e., a sought after element of the Grassmann algebra
A particular type of Grassmann integral equations is explicitly
studied for certain low-dimensional Grassmann algebras. The
choice of the equation under investigation is motivated by
the effective action formalism of (lattice) quantum field theory.
In a very general setting, for the Grassmann algebras
G2n, n = 2,3,4, the
finite-dimensional analogues of the generating functionals of the
Green functions are worked out explicitly by solving a coupled
system of nonlinear matrix equations.
Finally, by imposing the condition
G[{BarΨ},{Ψ} ] =
G0[{λ BarΨ},{λΨ} ]
+ const.,
0 < λ (- R
(BarΨk, Ψk,
k = 1,...,n,
are the generators of the Grassmann algebra G2n),
between the finite-dimensional analogues
G0 and G of the (''classical'') action and effective action
functionals, respectively,
a special Grassmann integral equation is being established
and solved which also is equivalent to a coupled system of nonlinear
matrix equations. If λ ≠ 1, solutions to this Grassmann
integral equation exist for n = 2 (and consequently, also for
any even value of n, specifically, for n = 4)
but not for n = 3. If λ = 1, the considered
Grassmann integral equation (of course)
has always a solution which corresponds to a Gaussian integral,
but remarkably in the case n = 4 a further solution is found which
corresponds to a non-Gaussian integral.
The investigation sheds light on the structures to be met
for Grassmann algebras G2n with
arbitrarily chosen n.
The article is cited in:
M. Ostilli: On the probabilistic approach for Gaussian Berezin integrals.
Annals of Physics (New York) 308(2003)555-577
(DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4916(03)00177-5)
B. Pioline: Cubic free field theory.
version 2, 4 pp.. Version 1 is published in:
L. Baulieu, E. Rabinovici, J. Harvey, B. Pioline, P. Windey (Eds.):
Progress in String, Field and Particle Theory,
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Cargèse,
Corsica, France, May 27 - June 8, 2002.
NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 104.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, pp. 453-456.
J. Feinberg: Fredholm's minors of arbitrary order: their
representations as a determinant of resolvents and in terms of free
fermions and an explicit formula for their functional derivative.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37(2004)6299-6310
(DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/37/24/008)
B.G. Giraud, R. Peschanski:
On positive functions with positive Fourier transforms.
Acta Physica Polonica B37(2006)331-346
( http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/acta/vol37/pdf/v37p0331.pdf )
K. Scharnhorst, J.-W. van Holten:
Nonlinear Bogolyubov-Valatin transformations: Two modes.
Annals of Physics (New York) 326(2011)2868-2933
(DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2011.05.001) [NIKHEF report NIKHEF/2010-005, arXiv:1002.2737].
= paper [32]
T. Rashkova:
Matrix algebras over Grassmann algebras and their PI-structure.
Acta Universitatis Apulensis ICTAMI2011(2011)169-184
( http://www.emis.de/journals/AUA/ictami2011/Paper12-Ictami2011.pdf ).
The article is part of the special issue: D. Breaz, N. Breaz, N. Ularu (Eds.):
Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Mathematics and Informatics, ICTAMI-2011, Alba Iulia, 21-24 iulie 2011.
Acta Universitatis Apulensis ICTAMI2011(2011)1-566
( https://www.emis.de/journals/AUA/2011.html ).
T. Rashkova:
On the nilpotency in matrix algebras with Grassmann entries.
Serdica Mathematical Journal 38(2012)79-90
( http://www.math.bas.bg/serdica/2012/2012-079-090.pdf ).
The article is part of:
V. Drensky, A. Giambruno, M. Kochetov, P. Koshlukov, M. Zaicev (Eds.):
Proceedings of the International Workshop Polynomial Identities in Algebras. II,
September 2-6, 2011, the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's, NL, Canada.
Serdica Mathematical Journal 38:1-3(2012)i-xxii, 1-506
( http://www.math.bas.bg/serdica/n13_12.html ).
T. Rashkova:
On some properties and special identities in the second order matrix algebra over Grassmann algebras.
Demonstratio Mathematica 46(2013)29-36
(DOI: 10.1515/dema-2013-0438).
B.G. Giraud, R. Peschanski:
On the positivity of Fourier transforms.
arXiv:1405.3155, 12 pp..
K. Scharnhorst: On self-consistency in quantum field theory.
arXiv:2301.13275, 11 pp..
= paper [35]
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Document last modified: June 8, 2023
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