A. A. Smirnov: The application of the electrodynamics of Born to the theory of the propagation of light in electromagnetic fields [Engl. transl. of kand. diss. (Ph.D. thesis), 1936]. Preprint arXiv:1708.06823, 〈hal-01620893〉, 216 pp.. [INSPIRE record]
Abstract: English translation of a Russian Ph.D. thesis from 1936. No original abstract, translator's abstract: The thesis consists of two chapters. In chapter I, general requirements to be imposed on any nonlinear electrodynamics and their implementation in the electrodynamics of Born and Infeld are discussed. In chapter II, within the nonlinear electrodynamics of Born the propagation of a light wave in the presence of a homogeneous electric or magnetic field as well as the interaction of two plane light waves in vacuo are studied.
Full source details: Адриан Анатольевич Смирнов [Adrian Anatol'evich Smirnov]: Применение электродинамики Борна к теории распространения света в электромагнитных полях [Primenenie èlektrodinamiki Borna k teorii rasprostraneniya sveta v èlektromagnitnykh polyakh]/[The application of the electrodynamics of Born to the theory of the propagation of light in electromagnetic fields]. Кандидатская диссертация [Kandidat·skaya dissertatsiya]/[Ph.D. thesis], Московский государственный университет [Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet]/[Moscow State University], Moscow, 1936, 67 pp.. [in Russian]