Useful Links
Tools and Docs:
- Online Unit Converter
- Easy Unit Converter
- Grammar Check
- Plagiarism Checker
World Wide Web ,
Das Internet ,
Inroduction to HTML 4
- The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- HTML Reference Guide
- HTML elements
- Math-Symbols ,
HTML extra characters
- UNICODE symbols
- iso8859 symbols
- bin-dez-hex-converter;
- Mozilla Plugin Support on Linux
- PostScript Programming ,
PS Tutorial
- PostScript Specifications
- Emacs tour
- Latex commands , also see Overleaf
- Amsmath commands
- The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List
- Latex Makeindex
- hyperref
- Hyperlinks
- Colours-in-LaTeX
- PPower4 Manual
- Seminar-Style , Foils
- Texpower &
Foils Presentations
- LaTex figures (for EPSF usage see DVIPS)
- PSTricks
- Graphics in LATEX using TikZ,
The TikZ and PGF Packages,
- Axodraw
( Axodraw Version 2 )
- gnuplot (doc) , also see gnuplot in short
- HTML Named Colors (see also: RBG
Color Chart );
RGB to Hex Converter
colordvi Table (may be used in LaTex, AxoDraw etc)
- Postscript to GIF conversion
HELP: DESY letters
Fortran Libraries (Fully Documented Routines)
Fortran Libraries Docs
- Numerical Recipes in C ,
F77 ,
Fortran routines, (F77 Routines by Topics)
- Fortran 90 Guide
- Fortran Guide
- GNU Fortran Guide , GCC Bugzilla
- f77 PGI Reference
- RSYNC Backup
F. Jegerlehner,
Last modified: Tue Jun 23 05:51:56 CEST 2020