Fred Jegerlehner
DESY Zeuthen Theory Group
Seminar List
November 10th 1999 2:15 pm
Universität Mainz, Kolloquium über Teilchen- und
Institut für Physik, Minkowski-Raum
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
"Die hadronischen Beiträge zur Photon-Vakuumpolarisation und ihre
Rolle in der Präzisionsphysik "
November 12th 1999 4:00 pm
PSI Villigen CH,
ETH/PSI Friday Colloquium
WHGA Auditorium
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Status and recent improvements in the evaluation of the running
fine structure constant and the hadronic contribution to (g-2)
13. November 1999 ~ 12:00 am
DESY Klausur, Zeuthen (DESY intern)
Hörsaal 3
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik in Zeuthen: Status und Perspektiven
November 17th 1999 3:00 pm
DESY Zeuthen,
Physics Seminar
Hörsaal 3
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Nobel Prize 99: On the contribution of G.'t Hooft and M. Veltman to our
understanding of the Standard Model
January 13th 2000 4:00 pm
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin,
Physikalisches Kolloquium
Physik-Hörsaal 10, Invalidenstrasse 42
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
"Der Mini-Urknall im Labor: Über Materie und Antimaterie"
February 11th 2000 4:00 pm
Euro-Arab University, Granada, Spain,
Collaboration Meeting
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Precision Measurements of
e+e- ->
* -> hadrons )
at Low Energies
Feb 25, 2000, 3:00 pm
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, Centro de Física Nuclear
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Confronting electroweak precision measurements with new physics models
May 7, 2000, 2:30 pm
Sixth Workshop on 2nd ECFA/DESY Study on Physics and Detectors
for a Linear Electron-Positron Collider,
Univ. of Padua, Padova, Italy, 5-8 May, 2000.
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Loop--Verein Convener Summary
May 20, 2000, 10:00 am
FNL INFN, Frascati, Italy,
LNF Spring School and EURODAPHNE
Collaboration Meeting
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
" The Hadronic Cross--Section in
electron positron annihilation at low energies: an introduction
Sep 24, 2000, 9:00 am
Seventh Workshop on 2nd ECFA/DESY Study on Physics and Detectors
for a Linear Electron-Positron Collider,
DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 22-25 September 2000.
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
and summary of Padova meeting
Sep 29-30, 2000
FNL INFN, Frascati, Italy,
Midterm Review Meeting
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Presentation of the Node
DESY Zeuthen + University of Karlsruhe
Oct 5, 2000, 2:30 pm
University of Rostock, CP-School: Violation of CP Symmetry and Related Processes
Prerow, Germany, Oct 1-8, 2000,
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
"Lattice results on QCD and CP violation "
Oct 7, 2000, 2:00 pm
ECFA Workshop on High Performance Computing,
DESY/NIC, Zeuthen, Germany, Oct 6-7, 2000.
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
"Non-QCD Physics "
Oct 28, 2000, 9:20 am
New York University: 50 Years of Electroweak Physics,
A symposium in honor of Professor Alberto Sirlin's 70th Birthday,
October 27-28, 2000
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
"Hadronic Contributions
to the Photon Vacuum Polarization and their Role in Precision Physics "
Nov 17, 2000, 10:15 am
Universität Bern, Theorie Seminar,
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
" Testing non--perturbative strong interaction effects via the
Adler function: Theory and Applications "
Dec 7, 2000, 4:15 pm
Universität Heidelberg, Theorie Seminar,
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
" Testing non--perturbative strong interaction effects via the
Adler function: Theory and Applications "
Dec 8, 2000, 5:15 pm
Universität Karlsruhe Physikalisches Kolloquium,
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
"Die Photon-Vakuumpolarisation und ihre Rolle
in der Präzisionsphysik "
Feb 10, 2001, 10:05 am
CNRS & CPT Marseille
XI EURODAPHNE Collaboration Meeting
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
" Radiative corrections to pion--pair production
Feb 15, 2001, 3:00 pm
DESY/HUB Theory Seminar
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment: News from the BNL Experiment "
Mar 24, 2001, 2:00 pm
Mini Workshop to plan next ECFA-DESY Study
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Report on Plans of "The Loop-Verein" "
Apr 05, 2001, 3:00 pm
g-2 MiniWorkshop, Universita` di Roma III
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Hadronic contributions to g-2 and precision tests of the Standard Model "
Apr 11, 2001, 11:15 pm
Physikalisches Kolloquium,
Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich-Irchel
Fred Jegerlehner, DESY Zeuthen
Do new results from the BNL g-2 experiment establish the existence of
physics beyond the Standard Model?