Fred Jegerlehner
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Physik
Seminar List
"Is the Higgs boson the Inflaton?"
Invited Talk
13th Vienna Central European Seminar (VCES) on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory,
December 1, 2017,
University of Vienna ~ SKY Lounge, Wien, Österreich,
also see the comment
"Variations on Photon Vacuum Polarization"
Talk, June 26, 2017, 17th International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi 2017,
Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz, Germany
"Photon radiation in e+e- --> hadrons at low energies with carlomat 3.1"
, June 30, 2017, 19th Radio MonteCarLOW WG Meeting,
Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Johannes Gutenberg University of
Mainz, Germany
"Is the Higgs boson the Inflaton?"
Theory Seminar
, December 9, 2016, Institut für Theoretische Physik,
Universität Bern, Bern, Schweiz
"KLOE-2 Workshop on e+e~ collider physics at 1 GeV~ 26-28 October 2016 INFN -
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy
Proceedings Muon g-2 theory: the hadronic part
Frascati General Seminar
, April 7, 2016, INFN-LNF Frascati/Italy
αQED (MZ) and future prospects with low energy e+e- collider data"
Seminar, March 23, 2016, INFN-LNF Frascati/Italy
αQED (MZ) and future prospects with low energy e+e- collider data"
TalkFCC-ee Mini-Workshop
,''Physics Behind Precision'', 2-3 February 2016, CERN Geneva
"The Higgs boson as Inflaton"
Higgs Center Colloquium Higgs Center of Theoretical Physics,
University of Edinburgh, September 25, 2015
"Leading-order hadronic contribution to the electron and muon g-2"
Inited Talk at Flavor Changing and Conserving Processes (FCCP2015)
Anacapri, Capri Island, Italy, 10-12 September, 2015
"The Standard Model as a low energy
effective theory: what is triggering the Higgs mechanism and inflation?
-- A new view on the SM of particle physics --"
Inited Talk "Shaping UV physics" -- IPPP Durham Workshop,
Durham, July 13, 2015
"How the Higgs can explain inflation, dark energy and the cosmological
constant. A pedestrian introduction to a new view on the SM of particle
Colloquium ,
Physics Seminar at DESY Zeuthen, June 24, 2015
"The Higgs boson as Inflaton"
Seminar ,
Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, May 5, 2015
"The muon g-2: where we are, what does it tell us?"
Invited Talk ,
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg, 24. März 2015
"The Higgs boson as Inflaton"
PRISM \& GK Seminar ,
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, February 4, 2015
"About the role of the Higgs boson in the early universe"
Talk ,
Fourth Quantum Universe Symposium QU4,
University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands,
April 16-17, 2014
"About the role of the Higgs in the evolution of the early universe"
Talk , XX Epiphany Conference, Cracow, Poland, 8-10 January, 2014
"The Standard model as a low-energy effective theory: what is triggering
the Higgs mechanism and inflation?"
Seminar , Universität Bielefeld, Nov 12, 2013, RWTH
Aachen, Nov 14, 2013, DESY Hamburg, Nov 20, 2013
"The Muon g-2 Theory"
Talk , EINN Pafos, Cyprus, October 31, 2013.
"The Standard model as a low-energy effective theory: what is triggering
the Higgs mechanism?"
Seminar , Universität Zürich and ETHZ, May 14, 2013.
Talk , 10th European Research Conference on
"Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei", Pafos, Cyprus
, October 29, 2013.
"The role of R(s) measurements in precision
physics: the running alpha_em and the muon g-2
ETC* Colloquium ,
13th Meeting of the Radio
MonteCarLOW Collaboration and R-Measurements at BES-III.
ETC* Trento, Italy, April 10-12, 2013.
"The muon g-2: the role of hadronic effects at present and in future
Talk , [not given] prepared for the International Workshop
Determination of the Fundamental Parameters of QCD, NANYANG Technological University, Singapore,
18 to 21 March, 2013.
"The muon g-2: where we are, what does it tell us?"
Seminar , Universität Basel, October 11, 2012.
"Effective field theory estimates of the hadronic
contribution to g-2" Talk
The 12th meeting of the Radio MonteCarlo WG ([RMC WG]), Institute for
Nuclear Physics,
Mainz University, September 27/28, 2012.
"The muon g-2:
the role of hadronic effects and first lessons from
the LHC" Talk
QCD-- History and Prospects:
WE-Heraeus Seminar, Oberwölz, Austria, September, 3-8, 2012.
"Essentials of Muon g-2" Lectures
5th Helmholtz International Summer School - Workshop
Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics - DIAS TH
Calculations for Modern and Future Colliders, July 23 - August 2, 2012, Dubna, Russia
"The muon g-2 in the light of two photon physics and first lessons
from the LHC" Talk
GK u. EMG Seminar, JG Universität Mainz, June 27, 2012
"Hadronic Light-by-Light Scattering and the Muon Anomaly" Talk
IKTP Seminar, TU Dresden, May 10, 2012
"An improved evaluation of the running
eff and some applications" Talk
Working Group on Radiative Corrections
and Generators for Low Energy Hadronic Cross Section and Luminosity,
Frascati, April 16-17, 2012
The muon g-2: where we are, what does it tell us? Talk
Seminar, Univ. Freiburg, 20. Dezember 2011
Essentials of Muon g-2: Talk
Lecture at the SFB/TR-9 Meeting, November 14, 2011, RWTH Aachen
Implications of low and high energy measurements on SUSY models: Talk
at "Linear Collider 2011", September 13, 2011, ECT* Trento (Proceedings
Higgs --> γγ: Comment
alphaQED: Talk
at Linear Collider Workshop 2010 Frascati
Proceedings (in IL
NUOVO CIMENTO Vol. 34 C, N. 5 Suppl. 1 (2011) 31-40
Data for Hadronic Light-by-Light Scattering in Muon g-2:
INT Seattle [HLbL]
talk: (pdf) )
"ρ-γ mixing and e+e- vs.
τ spectral functions:
(INT Seattle [HLbL]
talk: (pdf),
DESY HH(pdf) )
" Broken Symmetries -- Nobel Prize in Physics 2008
Ustron Intern. Conf. Sep. 2009: Progress in the Prediction of g-2 of the Muon "
Article [pdf] (Acta Physica Polonica B 40 (2009) 3097)
" Frascati
"From Quarks to Real Life" " Talk [pdf]
Warsaw University, and University of Silesia, Katowice (see also
Quark-Gluon Plasma:... [pdf])
"Muon g-2: what does it tell us?" Talk [pdf]
Warsaw University, May 2010.
"Overview of the Standard Model value of a_mu:..." Talk [pdf]
Lepton Moments 2010, Cape Cod, July 2010.