Klaus Scharnhorst - Publications
K. Scharnhorst, D. Robaschik, E. Wieczorek: Radiative corrections
to the Casimir effect at finite temperature - Real time formalism.
IfH Berlin-Zeuthen Preprint PHE 85-13, 40 pp..
Institut für Hochenergiephysik (IfH), Berlin-Zeuthen, 1985.
[INSPIRE record]
The functional integral approach to real time quantum field
theory at finite temperature is reconsidered to include
boundary conditions for the electromagnetic field strength tensor
on ideal conducting plates. The expression for the generating
functional for real time thermodynamic Green's functions is worked out.
Thereby a closed expression is obtained for the photon propagator
at finite temperature respecting the appropriate boundary conditions.
Within the real time formalism the well-known zero order results for
enery, free energy and Casimir force are rederived. Using a special
perturbation theoretic expansion of the free energy the second order
radiative corrections to the Casimir effect for different physical
situations are determined.
- Electronic copy:
scanned preprint (KEK library)
[local copy: PDF (559 kB),
gzipped PS (565 kB),
DJVU (532 kB)]
- Citations
- Misprints, errata, addenda (PDF / Postscript):
P. 18, eq. (3.21), for the correct display of this equation see this sheet:
PDF / Postscript.
P. 23, eqs. (4.6), (4.7), the sign after F(0) should be reversed (from
minus to plus). P. 24, eq. (4.9), second line, the sign after
F(a,β)0 should be reversed (from minus to plus).
P. 24, eq. (4.8), for the correct display of this equation see this sheet:
PDF / Postscript.
P. 25, 7. row from top, '(A.14)' should read correctly: '(A.8)'.
P. 27, eq. (4.14), for the correct display of the lower limit
in the first integral see this sheet:
PDF / Postscript.
The sign in front of the expression on
the r.h.s. should be reversed (from minus to plus).
PP. 27/28, eq. (4.15), the sign in front of the expression on
the r.h.s. should be reversed (from minus to plus).
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© K. Scharnhorst
Document last modified: June 8, 2023
Document address: http://people.physik.hu-berlin.de/~scharnh/paper03.htm