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Symmetries and Cosmology

Humboldt University of Berlin - Institute of Physics

Christoph Chiaffrino's Publications

Weakly Constrained Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills Theory

Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin (main))

e-Print: 2309.03289 [hep-th]

Holography as Homotopy

Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Talha Ersoy (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin (main))

e-Print: 2307.08094 [hep-th]

Gravity = Yang-Mills

Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)

e-Print: 2306.14788 [hep-th]

Weakly constrained double field theory: the quartic theory

Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)

e-Print: 2306.00609 [hep-th]

Gauge invariant double copy of Yang-Mills theory: the quartic theory

Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Christoph Chiaffrino, Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin (main))

e-Print: 2212.04513 [hep-th]

Homological Quantum Mechanics

Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Allison F. Pinto (Humboldt U., Berlin)

e-Print: 2112.11495 [hep-th]

QFT with Stubs

Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Ivo Sachs (Munich U., ASC)

e-Print: 2108.04312 [hep-th]

Gauge Invariant Perturbation Theory via Homotopy Transfer

Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Allison F. Pinto (Humboldt U., Berlin)

e-Print: 2012.12249 [hep-th]

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2021)236

Published in: JHEP 05 (2021), 236

Classical open string amplitudes from boundary string field theory

Christoph Chiaffrino (Munich U., ASC), Ivo Sachs (Munich U., ASC)

e-Print: 1805.07084 [hep-th]

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2019)086

Published in: JHEP 06 (2019), 086