Weakly Constrained Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills Theory
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin (main))
e-Print: 2309.03289 [hep-th]
On black hole singularity resolution in $D=2$ via duality-invariant $\alpha'$ corrections
Tomas Codina (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 2308.09743 [hep-th]
Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Talha Ersoy (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin (main))
e-Print: 2307.08094 [hep-th]
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2306.14788 [hep-th]
Weakly constrained double field theory: the quartic theory
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2306.00609 [hep-th]
2D black holes, Bianchi I cosmologies, and
Tomas Codina (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 2304.06763 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.026014 (publication)
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 2, 026014
Gauge invariant double copy of Yang-Mills theory: the quartic theory
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Christoph Chiaffrino, Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin (main))
e-Print: 2212.04513 [hep-th]
U-duality and $\alpha'$ corrections in three dimensions
Camille Eloy (Vrije U., Brussels and Intl. Solvay Inst., Brussels), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys. and IUF, Paris)
e-Print: 2211.16358 [hep-th]
An $\alpha'$-complete theory of cosmology and its tensionless limit
Tomas Codina (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Diego Marques (Buenos Aires, IAFE)
e-Print: 2211.09757 [hep-th]
Cosmological Perturbations in Double Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Allison F. Pinto (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2207.14788 [hep-th]
Supersymmetric action for 6D $(4,0)$ supergravity
Yannick Bertrand (IP2I, Lyon), Stefan Hohenegger (IP2I, Lyon), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys. and IUF, Paris)
e-Print: 2206.04100 [hep-th]
The gauge structure of double field theory follows from Yang-Mills theory
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2203.07397 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.026004 (publication)
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 2, 026004
Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Allison F. Pinto (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2112.11495 [hep-th]
Duality invariant string beta functions at two loops
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Tomas Codina (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2111.05102 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 02 (2022), 109
Double field theory as the double copy of Yang-Mills theory
Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Jan Plefka (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2109.01153 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.045012 (publication)
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 4, 045012
General String Cosmologies at Order $\alpha'{}^{\,3}$
Tomas Codina (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Diego Marques (Buenos Aires, IAFE)
e-Print: 2107.00053 [hep-th]
Homotopy Transfer and Effective Field Theory II: Strings and Double Field Theory
Alex S. Arvanitakis (Vrije U., Brussels and Intl. Solvay Inst., Brussels), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Chris Hull (Imperial Coll., London), Victor Lekeu (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.)
e-Print: 2106.08343 [hep-th]
Beta functions for the duality-invariant sigma model
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Tomas Codina (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2103.15931 [hep-th]
String Dualities at Order $\alpha'^{\,3}$
Tomas Codina (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin (main)), Diego Marques (Buenos Aires, IAFE)
e-Print: 2012.15677 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.171602 (publication)
Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 126 (2021) 17, 171602
Gauge Invariant Perturbation Theory via Homotopy Transfer
Christoph Chiaffrino (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Allison F. Pinto (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2012.12249 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 05 (2021), 236
Old Dualities and New Anomalies
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 2008.06420 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.126002
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 12, 126002
Toward exotic 6D supergravities
Yannick Bertrand (IP2I, Lyon), Stefan Hohenegger (IP2I, Lyon), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 2007.11644 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.046002
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 103 (2021) 4, 046002
Homotopy Transfer and Effective Field Theory I: Tree-level
Alex S. Arvanitakis (Intl. Solvay Inst., Brussels), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Chris Hull (Imperial Coll., London), Victor Lekeu (Imperial Coll., London)
e-Print: 2007.07942 [hep-th]
Duality Invariance and Higher Derivatives
Camille Eloy (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 2004.13140 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.126018
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 12, 126018
Green-Schwarz Mechanism for String Dualities
Camille Eloy (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 1912.01700 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.091601
Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 124 (2020) 9, 091601
Duality Hierarchies and Differential Graded Lie Algebras
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 1910.10399 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-021-03973-8
Published in: Commun.Math.Phys. 382 (2021) 1, 277-315
The many facets of exceptional field theory
Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 1905.08312 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.22323/1.347.0098
Published in: PoS CORFU2018 (2019), 098
Non-perturbative de Sitter vacua via $\alpha'$ corrections
Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1905.06583 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1142/S0218271819430028
Published in: Int.J.Mod.Phys.D 28 (2019) 14, 1943002
Duality invariant cosmology to all orders in $\alpha$'
Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1905.06963 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.126011
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 12, 126011
Leibniz Gauge Theories and Infinity Structures
Roberto Bonezzi (Humboldt U., Berlin), Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin)
e-Print: 1904.11036 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-020-03785-2 (publication)
Published in: Commun.Math.Phys. 377 (2020) 3, 2027-2077
Higher Gauge Structures in Double and Exceptional Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 1903.02821 [hep-th]
Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 67 (2019) 8-9, 1910008
Reviving 3D ${\cal N}=8$ superconformal field theories
Olaf Hohm (Humboldt U., Berlin and Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 1810.12311 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 04 (2019), 047
The dual graviton in duality covariant theories
Olaf Hohm (Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 1807.07150 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1002/prop.201900021 (publication)
Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 67 (2019) 5, 1900021
Background independence in string theory
e-Print: 1806.08704 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1142/S0218271818470260
Published in: Int.J.Mod.Phys.D 27 (2018) 14, 1847026
Leibniz–Chern–Simons Theory and Phases of Exceptional Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 1805.03220 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-019-03347-1 (publication)
Published in: Commun.Math.Phys. 369 (2019) 3, 1055-1089
Constructions of $L_{\infty}$ algebras and their field theory realizations
Olaf Hohm (SUNY, Stony Brook, Math.), Vladislav Kupriyanov (Munich, Max Planck Inst. and ABC Federal U.), Dieter Lust (Munich, Max Planck Inst. and Munich U., ASC), Matthias Traube (Munich, Max Planck Inst.)
e-Print: 1709.10004 [math-ph]
DOI: 10.1155/2018/9282905
Published in: Adv.Math.Phys. 2018 (2018), 9282905
O($d+1, d+1$) enhanced double field theory
Olaf Hohm (Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP), Edvard T. Musaev (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst. and Kazan State U.), Henning Samtleben (ENS, Lyon, Lab. Phys.)
e-Print: 1707.06693 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 10 (2017), 086
$L_{\infty}$ Algebras and Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (SUNY, Stony Brook, Math.), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1701.08824 [hep-th]
Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 65 (2017) 3-4, 1700014
Background Independent Double Field Theory at Order $\alpha'$: Metric vs. Frame-like Geometry
Olaf Hohm (Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP)
e-Print: 1612.06453 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.066018
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 95 (2017) 6, 066018
Background Independence and Duality Invariance in String Theory
Olaf Hohm (Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP)
e-Print: 1612.03966 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.131601
Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 118 (2017) 13, 131601
Exotic Dual of Type II Double Field Theory
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (SUNY, Stony Brook, Math.), Fabio Riccioni (INFN, Rome and Rome U.)
e-Print: 1612.02691 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2017.01.081
Published in: Phys.Lett.B 767 (2017), 374-379
On the curious spectrum of duality invariant higher-derivative gravity
Olaf Hohm (Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP), Usman Naseer (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1607.01784 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 08 (2016), 173
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP), Victor A. Penas (Groningen U.), Fabio Riccioni (INFN, Rome and Rome U.)
e-Print: 1603.07380 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 06 (2016), 026
Perturbative Double Field Theory on General Backgrounds
Olaf Hohm (Stony Brook U. and SUNY, Stony Brook, Math.), Diego Marques (Buenos Aires, CONICET and Buenos Aires, IAFE)
e-Print: 1512.02658 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.025032
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 2, 025032
T-duality Constraints on Higher Derivatives Revisited
Olaf Hohm (SUNY, Stony Brook and MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1510.00005 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 04 (2016), 101
Double metric, generalized metric, and α′ -deformed double field theory
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1509.02930 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.064035
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 6, 064035
Consistent Type IIB Reductions to Maximal 5D Supergravity
Arnaud Baguet (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure), Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1506.01385 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.065004
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 92 (2015) 6, 065004
E$_{6(6)}$ Exceptional Field Theory: Review and Embedding of Type IIB
Arnaud Baguet (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure), Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1506.01065 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.22323/1.231.0133
Published in: PoS CORFU2014 (2015), 133
Tensor hierarchy and generalized Cartan calculus in SL(3) × SL(2) exceptional field theory
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Yi-Nan Wang (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1501.01600 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 04 (2015), 050
Heterotic Effective Action and Duality Symmetries Revisited
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Ashoke Sen (Harish-Chandra Res. Inst.), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1411.5696 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 02 (2015), 079
Consistent Kaluza-Klein Truncations via Exceptional Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1410.8145 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 01 (2015), 131
Double field theory at order $\alpha'$
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1407.3803 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 11 (2014), 075
Green-Schwarz mechanism and $\alpha'$-deformed Courant brackets
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1407.0708 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 01 (2015), 012
Exceptional field theory. III. E$_{8(8)}$
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1406.3348 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.066002
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 90 (2014), 066002
Supersymmetric E$_{7(7)}$ Exceptional Field Theory
Hadi Godazgar (Cambridge U., DAMTP), Mahdi Godazgar (Cambridge U., DAMTP), Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Hermann Nicolai (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1406.3235 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 09 (2014), 044
Eric Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Wout Merbis (Groningen U.), Alasdair J. Routh (Cambridge U., DAMTP), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1404.2867 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/31/14/145008
Published in: Class.Quant.Grav. 31 (2014), 145008
Chern-Simons-like Gravity Theories
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Wout Merbis (Groningen U.), Alasdair J. Routh (Cambridge U., DAMTP), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1402.1688 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10070-8_7
Published in: Lect.Notes Phys. 892 (2015), 181-201
Exceptional field theory. II. E$_{7(7)}$
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1312.4542 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.066017
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014), 066017
Exceptional Field Theory I: $E_{6(6)}$ covariant Form of M-Theory and Type IIB
Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1312.0614 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.066016
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 6, 066016
The Spacetime of Double Field Theory: Review, Remarks, and Outlook
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Dieter Lüst (Munich U., ASC and Munich, Max Planck Inst.), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1309.2977 [hep-th]
Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 61 (2013), 926-966
Exceptional Form of D=11 Supergravity
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1308.1673 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.231601
Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013), 231601
Zwei-Dreibein Gravity: A Two-Frame-Field Model of 3D Massive Gravity
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Sjoerd de Haan (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Wout Merbis (Groningen U.), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1307.2774 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.111102 , 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.259902
Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 11, 111102 , Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 25, 259902 (erratum)
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Henning Samtleben (Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure and Lyon U.)
e-Print: 1307.0509 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 09 (2013), 080
Gauge theory of Kaluza-Klein and winding modes
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. and Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: 1307.0039 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.085005
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 88 (2013), 085005
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Warren Siegel (YITP, Stony Brook), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1306.2970 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 02 (2014), 065
Towards an invariant geometry of double field theory
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, LNS)
e-Print: 1212.1736 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1063/1.4795513
Published in: J.Math.Phys. 54 (2013), 032303
On the Hamiltonian form of 3D massive gravity
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Alasdair Routh (Cambridge U., DAMTP), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP), Baocheng Zhang (Wuhan, MRAMP and Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1208.0038 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.084035
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012), 084035
Large Gauge Transformations in Double Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, LNS)
e-Print: 1207.4198 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 02 (2013), 075
Non-Geometric Fluxes in Supergravity and Double Field Theory
David Andriot (Munich U., ASC), Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Magdalena Larfors (Munich U., ASC), Dieter Lust (Munich U., ASC and Munich, Max Planck Inst.), Peter Patalong (Munich U., ASC and Munich, Max Planck Inst.)
e-Print: 1204.1979 [hep-th]
Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 60 (2012), 1150-1186
A geometric action for non-geometric fluxes
David Andriot (Munich U., ASC), Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Magdalena Larfors (Munich U., ASC), Dieter Lust (Munich U., ASC and Munich, Max Planck Inst.), Peter Patalong (Munich U., ASC and Munich, Max Planck Inst.)
e-Print: 1202.3060 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.261602
Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 108 (2012), 261602
On the Riemann Tensor in Double Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
e-Print: 1112.5296 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 05 (2012), 126
N=1 Supersymmetric Double Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (Munich U., ASC), Seung Ki Kwak (MIT)
e-Print: 1111.7293 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 03 (2012), 080
Massive Type II in Double Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (MIT), Seung Ki Kwak (MIT)
e-Print: 1108.4937 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 11 (2011), 086
Double Field Theory of Type II Strings
Olaf Hohm (MIT), Seung Ki Kwak (MIT), Barton Zwiebach (MIT)
e-Print: 1107.0008 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 09 (2011), 013
Unification of Type II Strings and T-duality
Olaf Hohm (MIT), Seung Ki Kwak (MIT), Barton Zwiebach (MIT)
e-Print: 1106.5452 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.171603
Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 107 (2011), 171603
On factorizations in perturbative quantum gravity
e-Print: 1103.0032 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 04 (2011), 103
Double Field Theory Formulation of Heterotic Strings
Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Seung Ki Kwak (MIT, LNS)
e-Print: 1103.2136 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 06 (2011), 096
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT), Jan Rosseel (Groningen U.), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1102.4091 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.104038
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 83 (2011), 104038
T-duality versus Gauge Symmetry
e-Print: 1101.3484 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1143/PTPS.188.116
Published in: Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 188 (2011), 116-125
On Critical Massive (Super)Gravity in adS3
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Jan Rosseel (Groningen U.), Ergin Sezgin (Texas A-M), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1011.1153 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/314/1/012009
Published in: J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 314 (2011), 012009
Frame-like Geometry of Double Field Theory
Olaf Hohm (MIT), Seung Ki Kwak (MIT)
e-Print: 1011.4101 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/44/8/085404
Published in: J.Phys.A 44 (2011), 085404
On Maximal Massive 3D Supergravity
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Jan Rosseel (Groningen U.), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1007.4075 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/27/23/235012
Published in: Class.Quant.Grav. 27 (2010), 235012
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, Cambridge, CTP), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1007.4561 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19760-4_27
Published in: Springer Proc.Phys. 137 (2011), 291-300
Generalized metric formulation of double field theory
Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Chris Hull (Imperial Coll., London), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, LNS)
e-Print: 1006.4823 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 08 (2010), 008
More on Massive 3D Supergravity
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Jan Rosseel (Groningen U.), Ergin Sezgin (Texas A-M), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 1005.3952 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/28/1/015002
Published in: Class.Quant.Grav. 28 (2011), 015002
Background independent action for double field theory
Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Chris Hull (Imperial Coll., London), Barton Zwiebach (MIT, LNS)
e-Print: 1003.5027 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 07 (2010), 016
A boundary stress tensor for higher-derivative gravity in AdS and Lifshitz backgrounds
Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Erik Tonni (MIT, LNS)
e-Print: 1001.3598 [hep-th]
Published in: JHEP 04 (2010), 093
On massive gravitons in 2+1 dimensions
Eric Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Paul Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 0912.2944 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/229/1/012005
Published in: J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 229 (2010), 012005
AdS(3)/LCFT(2): Correlators in New Massive Gravity
Daniel Grumiller (Vienna, Tech. U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS)
e-Print: 0911.4274 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.02.065
Published in: Phys.Lett.B 686 (2010), 264-267
On Higher Derivatives in 3D Gravity and Higher Spin Gauge Theories
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT, LNS), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 0911.3061 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2009.12.010
Published in: Annals Phys. 325 (2010), 1118-1134
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (MIT), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
DOI: 10.1142/9789814374552_0470
Published in:
Roel Andringa (Groningen U.), Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Mees de Roo (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.), Ergin Sezgin (Texas A-M) et al.
e-Print: 0907.4658 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/27/2/025010
Published in: Class.Quant.Grav. 27 (2010), 025010
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 0905.1259 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.124042
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 79 (2009), 124042
Can dual gravity be reconciled with E11?
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Mees de Roo (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.)
e-Print: 0903.4384 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.04.020
Published in: Phys.Lett.B 675 (2009), 371-376
Global limits of gauged supergravity
Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 57 (2009), 593-599
Massive Gravity in Three Dimensions
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.), Paul K. Townsend (Cambridge U., DAMTP)
e-Print: 0901.1766 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.201301
Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 102 (2009), 201301
Supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions
E. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), O. Hohm (Groningen U.)
Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 57 (2009), 338-347
Gauge Theories, Duality Relations and the Tensor Hierarchy
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Jelle Hartong (Bern U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.), Mechthild Huebscher (Madrid, IFT), Tomas Ortin (Madrid, IFT)
e-Print: 0901.2054 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2009/04/123
Published in: JHEP 04 (2009), 123
A Topologically Massive Gauge Theory with 32 Supercharges
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.)
e-Print: 0810.0377 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.125017
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 78 (2008), 125017
E(10) and Gauged Maximal Supergravity
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.), Axel Kleinschmidt (Brussels U. and Intl. Solvay Inst., Brussels), Hermann Nicolai (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Teake A. Nutma (Groningen U.) et al.
e-Print: 0810.5767 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2009/01/020
Published in: JHEP 01 (2009), 020
The Superconformal Gaugings in Three Dimensions
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.), Diederik Roest (Barcelona U., ECM), Henning Samtleben (Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure), Ergin Sezgin (Texas A-M)
e-Print: 0807.2841 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/09/101
Published in: JHEP 09 (2008), 101
Non-linear parent action and dual gravity
Nicolas Boulanger (Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.)
e-Print: 0806.2775 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.064027
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 78 (2008), 064027
Multiple Membranes from Gauged Supergravity
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Mees de Roo (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.), Diederik Roest (Barcelona U., ECM)
e-Print: 0806.2584 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/08/091
Published in: JHEP 08 (2008), 091
Multiple M2-branes and the Embedding Tensor
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Mees de Roo (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.)
e-Print: 0804.2201 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/25/14/142001
Published in: Class.Quant.Grav. 25 (2008), 142001
Higher-spin dynamics and Chern-Simons theories
Johan Engquist (Oslo U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.)
e-Print: 0804.2627 [hep-th]
Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 56 (2008), 895-900
A Note on E(11) and Three-dimensional Gauged Supergravity
Eric A. Bergshoeff (Groningen U.), Olaf Hohm (Groningen U.), Teake A. Nutma (Groningen U.)
e-Print: 0803.2989 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/05/081
Published in: JHEP 05 (2008), 081
Gauged supergravity and hidden symmetries
Geometry and dynamics of higher-spin frame fields
Johan Engquist (Utrecht U.), Olaf Hohm (Utrecht U.)
e-Print: 0708.1391 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/04/101
Published in: JHEP 04 (2008), 101
Higher-spin Chern-Simons theories in odd dimensions
Johan Engquist (Utrecht U.), Olaf Hohm (Utrecht U.)
e-Print: 0705.3714 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2007.06.015
Published in: Nucl.Phys.B 786 (2007), 1-25
Holography of D-brane reconnection
Marcus Berg (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Olaf Hohm (Utrecht U.), Henning Samtleben (Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: hep-th/0612201 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2007/04/013
Published in: JHEP 04 (2007), 013
Gauged diffeomorphisms and hidden symmetries in Kaluza-Klein theories
e-Print: hep-th/0611347 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/24/11/004
Published in: Class.Quant.Grav. 24 (2007), 2825-2844
Massive Kaluza-Klein theories and their spontaneously broken symmetries
Olaf Hohm (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II)
e-Print: hep-th/0612235 [hep-th]
On the infinite-dimensional spin-2 symmetries in Kaluza-Klein theories
Olaf Hohm (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II and Hamburg U., Dept. Math.)
e-Print: hep-th/0511165 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.044003
Published in: Phys.Rev.D 73 (2006), 044003
Effective actions for massive Kaluza-Klein states on AdS(3) x S**3 x S**3
Olaf Hohm (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II), Henning Samtleben (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II)
e-Print: hep-th/0503088 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2005/05/027
Published in: JHEP 05 (2005), 027
Spontaneous N = 2 ---> N = 1 supergravity breaking in three- dimensions
Olaf Hohm (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II), Jan Louis (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II and Ecole Normale Superieure)
e-Print: hep-th/0403128 [hep-th]
DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/21/19/009
Published in: Class.Quant.Grav. 21 (2004), 4607-4624
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