Strukturbildung fernab vom Gleichgewicht
(Pattern formation far from equilibrium), SS 2021

This lecture and tutorial course provides an introduction to the methods of nonlinear dynamics and mathematical physics used to analyse and explain patterns in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology and is supplemented by few mini-projects. Central tools of applied mathematics are mastered and discussed in details on a number of analytically solvable examples, ranging from conventional to recently discovered phenomena.
Enrolment: If interested in attending the course, please sign up, see the agnes and moodle links below. To access the course via Moodle, use the enrolment key (Einschreibeschlüssel): MusterBild-21.
Time schedule: The lectures (VL) and tutorials (Ü) take place
VL: Wed, 15:15-16:45
Ü: Fri, 9:15-10:45
Currently, the course takes place online. Please, access the link via Moodle.
Contact: In case of any issues, just drop me an email: straube[AT]
Agnes link:
Moodle link:
SS 2021:
- Strukturbildung