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Fred Jegerlehner @ Waldthausen Prof. Dr. Fred Jegerlehner
Am Wildgarten 19
D-15745 Wildau,

Science Search: Physics Archives , Physics.hep-ph Archive , Spires Search , Sience Google , HUNetz , HUMail , DZMail .
Higgs Inflaton
Lectures on Higgs Inflation (IFJ Krakow Lectures) [Autumn 2014].
Lectures on Cosmology (SU Katowice/HU Berlin Lectures) [Autumn 2009/Summer 2011].
Other Lecture Notes, Reviews ,   Tools and Docs
MUonE project: HVPNoteJan2020
Code Software: alphaQED, hadr5x23.f (hadronic vacuum polarization), pQCDAdler, adlerhadr5x23.f (Adler function) [Fortran Codes]

ammbook My Book 2nd Edition: F. Jegerlehner, The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon,
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 274, October 2017 ,   Update on the Lepton Moments aμ and ae end 2024
Corrections/Updates applying to 1st Edition and to Phys. Rept. 477 (2009) 1-110 (with A. Nyffeler)

Talks, Lectures, Papers:

"A critical assessment of Δ αQEDhad(MZ2) and the prospects for improvements." Invited Talk at Zoom--Mini-Workshop: "parametric uncertainties: αem(MZ2)",
July 14, 2022, for ECFA e+e- Higgs/EW/Top Factory working group WG1.
"The Standard Model as a low energy effective theory: what is triggering the Higgs mechanism and inflation?" [☰]
NG van Kampen Colloquium, Utrecht University, November 24, 2021. Online via TEAMS.
"The Standard Model of Particle Physics as a Conspiracy Theory ... " [☰]
Acta Phys.Polon.B 52 (2021) 6-7, 575-605, Special Volume dedicated to Martinus Veltman
"A critical view on the Muon g-2 after the first FNAL result" Invited Talk, Zoom-Workshop ``(g-2) Days 2021'', 31 May - 4 June, 2021
"Particle Physics as a Conspiracy" Invited Talk, Humboldt Kolleg ``Discoveries and Open Puzzles in Physics and Gravitation'', 23-28 June 2019, Kitzbühel, Austria.
"The Hierarchy Problem and the Cosmological Constant Problem Revisited -- A new view on the SM of particle physics" arXiv:1812.03863
published in Foundations of Physics
Reference: Jegerlehner, F. Found Phys (2019) 49: 915.
QED, eff (s) for precision physics at the FCC-ee/ILC" Invited Talk, 11th FCC-ee workshop: Theory and Experiments, 8-11 January 2019, CERN Geneva.
Proceeding published in arXiv:1905.05078
"The Role of Mesons in Muon g-2" Invited Talk, 15th International Workshop on Meson Physics, Krakow, Poland, 7th - 12th June 2018
"The Hierarchy Problem and the Cosmological Constant Problem Revisited" Invited Talk, Naturalness, Hierarchy and Fine Tuning Workshop, RWTH Aachen, 28 February to 2 March 2018
"The muon g-2 and α(MZ2): the hadronic part" Invited Talk, MITP workshop "The Evaluation of the Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment",
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, February 19-23, 2018
μ (had,VP) update" Invited Talk, Workshop on hadronic vacuum polarization contributions to muon g-2, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, February 12-14, 2018
"The Muon g-2 in Progress" Invited Talk, XXIV Cracow EPIPHANY Conference on Advances in Heavy Flavour Physics,
9-12 January 2018, at Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN, Kraków, Poland
Talks 2006-2015
ammbook My Book: F. Jegerlehner, The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon,
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 226, November 2007
ammbook Contribution Precision Physics of Simple Atoms and Molecules,
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 745, Karshenboim, S.G. (Ed.), Springer 2008


Honorarprofessor at Humboldt-University Berlin, retired from DESY
August 1995 till August 2004 leading scientist at DESY, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany
1995-2001 head of the DESY Zeuthen theory group
1989-1995 staff at Paul-Scherrer-Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland, teaching position at ETH Zürich and ETH Lausanne
before: Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Bielefeld, Germany
2008/2009 Humboldt Honorary Research Fellowship of the Foundation for Polish Science
Humboldt Univ Telefon Number:  +49-30-2093-7646

Physikgebäude, Newtonstraße 15, Berlin-Adlershof
Last Name First Name Group Bld./Office
Jegerlehner         Fred                     HUB-COM    
 HUB E-Mail Address
Fred Jegerlehner

Field(s) of Interest:

Other activities: expired

ECFA/DESY LCWS Working Group :"The Loop Verein"
EU Research Traning Network "Euridice"
Member of the Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio SFB/TR09
Requirements for High Performance Computing for Lattice QCD: ECFA Working Panel (Report)

Links to related information:

F. Jegerlehner Publications:
List of publications
hep-ph, hep-lat

Links to science funding institutions:

European Commission (including Research Programs) ,
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft , RTG 2575 Rethinking Quantum Field Theory
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung

Other links:

Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

F. Jegerlehner,

Last modified: Mon Jan 27 19:00:16 CET 2025